WAV | 406MB
沿着海岸路巡游,自上而下,沙滩朝着一侧,而洛杉矶的城市蔓延则延伸到另一侧。海洋大道(Ocean Ave):西海岸吉他(West Coast Guitars)唤起了G-funk时代的经典声音,至今仍是加州嘻哈的标志性元素,充满阳光的舔lick和放克即兴演奏,永恒的深沉和弦进程和哭泣的铅线启发了数十年命中记录。
与Arthouse Acoustics合作创建,可期待缓慢而深沉的凹槽,极富活力的放克吉他和复杂的分层堆栈,其中包括光滑的低音吉他,细腻的节奏和哭泣的哇哇声。与往常一样,我们进一步走了一步,对录音进行斩波和重采样,以创建现代音景,当代吉他旋律和独特的Songstarter集合。所有的声音都是100%免版税的,并且每个循环都经过精心的键标记和速度同步。
Cruising the coast road, top down with the beach to one side and the urban sprawl of Los Angeles reaching out to the other. Ocean Ave: West Coast Guitars invokes the quintessential sound of the G-funk era, with sun drenched licks and funk riffs that have been a signature element of California hip-hop to this day.Timeless soulful chord progressions and wailing lead lines that inspired decades of hit records.
Created in collaboration with Arthouse Acoustics, expect deep, slow grooves, blissed out funk guitars and complex layered stacks featuring slick bass guitar, subtle picked rhythms and crying wah-wah lead lines. As always we went a step further, chopping and resampling the recordings to create a collection of modern soundscapes, contemporary guitar melodies and unique songstarters. All the sounds are 100% royalty free and every loop has been meticulously key-tagged and tempo-synced.
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