WAV | 195MB
想要制作震撼人心、黑暗阴森的作品?那么 Hype Grime and; Drill 就是你需要的音效包!这是一个一体化的制作工具包,为您提供极高质量的音效,帮助您将 Grime 和 Drill 制作提升到新的高度。
受英国 Grime 和 Drill 场景音效的启发,本版本提供了一系列原汁原味的音效,充分体现了这两种音乐流派的能量和精神。其中包括轰鸣的 808 重击声、澎湃的低音循环、不祥的旋律循环和强劲的鼓声。此外,该版本还为您提供了两个制作精良的演示包,其中包括所有相应的音源,为您的 Grime 和 Drill 制作助一臂之力!
204 种样本
Sample Tools by Cr2 Hype Grime and Drill WAV
Looking to produce powerful yet dark and eerie productions? Then Hype Grime and; Drill is the pack you need! An all-in-one production toolkit providing you with an extremely high quality arsenal of sounds to help take your Grime and Drill productions to new heights.
Inspired by the sounds of the UK Grime and Drill scene, this release provides an authentic range of sounds that fully encapsulates the energy and spirit of both genres. Booming 808 hits, thriving bass loops, ominous melodic loops, and powerful drums. Additionally this release provides you with two fully produced demo kits including all corresponding stems to hype you up and help kickstart your Grime and; Drill productions!
204 Samples
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