版本 | v2.6.0
Win 10-11 | VST | VST3 | 40MB
Mac10.15-13.X | AU | VST | VST3 | 272.8MB
说明 VocalSynth 2 是一种身临其境的人声体验,它能根据你的独特风格进行调整和演变,为你打开一个充满可能性的人声世界。
通过 iZotope 最独特的人声插件体验,提升你的人声制作水平。快速获得你需要的老派声音,或创造新派人声。在实验性的人声游乐场中,迷失在层次、纹理、特效、混合和变形中,最终找到让你的人声脱颖而出的秘密。选择并融合五种独特的人声工具,或从数百种预置中快速挑选。
通过实时音高校正将人声锁定在音调上,生成额外的声音与和声,并通过 VocalSynthÆs 直观的混音面板无缝融合模块设置。
使用 MIDI 数据控制音高,在演奏过程中轻松创建自定义和声。重现经典声码器或通话盒的演奏体验!
将自己的音频导入 VocalSynth 2 作为载波信号。这让你可以让任何音频 “说话”,或创造出其他方式无法实现的新奇音效。
iZotope VocalSynth v2.6.0 WiN
Description: VocalSynth 2 is an immersive vocal experience that adapts and evolves with your unique style and opens up a world of vocal possibilities.
Elevate your vocal productions with iZotope’s most unique plug-in experience for vocals. Quickly get old-school sounds you need, or create a new school of vocal sounds. Get lost in layers, textures, effects, blending, and morphing in an experimental vocal playground, and finally find that secret something that makes your vocals stand out. Choose and meld five unique vocal tools, or pick from hundreds of presets for quick impact.
Auto mode
Lock your vocals into key with real-time pitch correction, generate additional voices and harmonies, and seamlessly blend your module settings with VocalSynthÆs intuitive mix panel.
MIDI mode
Use MIDI data to control your pitch and effortlessly create custom vocal harmonies as you play. Recreate the experience of playing a classic vocoder or talkbox!
Sidechain mode
Pipe your own audio into VocalSynth 2 to use as your ôcarrierö signal. This lets you make any audio ôtalkö or create new outlandish sounds that would be impossible otherwise.
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