版本 | Win-v1.1 Mac-v1.0.2
Win 10-11 | VST3 | 7.6MB
Mac11.x-新系统 | AAX | AU | VST3 | 20.8MB
隆重介绍Vapor Dimension,一款工作室级别的调制插件,能为你的合成器、键盘、音垫、吉他、人声等增添丰富、复古的色彩和广阔的空间感!内置20种DSP算法,CPU占用率低,界面友好易用。
Vapor Dimension仅有两个直观的控制选项,旨在激发你的创作灵感,让你全神贯注于音乐制作。打开插件,让20种全新的DSP算法在幕后发挥其魔力。通过“类型”选项,你可以从不同的子类别(从柔和到强烈)中进行选择;而“调制”选项则让你能够微调并定义你的效果。
Vapor Dimension能瞬间带你回到过去。受到复古合唱、相位器和和声器硬件单元的启发,你可以迅速为音频源添加微妙、经典、低保真的色彩。没有灵感?从艺术家预设中选择,探索不同的风味!
需要更多的灵感吗?只需按下一个按钮,即可生成新的变化!Vapor Dimension配备了我们客户最爱的智能随机功能,为你的音乐创作带来更多可能性。
这款效果器的前身于2019年首次亮相,作为我们旗舰级复古波合成器Vapor Keys(Sunbaked Electric Pianos)的一部分。后来,在2022年,我们增强了其DSP能力,并将其加入到Lofi Keys合成器中。最终,Vapor Dimension以独立效果单元的形式问世,适用于任何音源。
通过我们的音频演示,探索Vapor Dimension的变革力量。体验这款插件如何为你的合成器、键盘、音垫、吉他和人声添加复古、低保真的色彩。聆听20种定制DSP算法的实际效果,仅需两个主要控制选项,即可发现无限的创作可能性。从电子音乐到低保真和Vaporwave,Vapor Dimension是通往更广阔、更丰富声音的关键。
Introducing Vapor Dimension, a studio-quality modulation plugin that adds rich, vintage colors and wideness to your synths, keys, pads, guitars, vocals and more! 20 built in DSP algorithms, easy on CPU and user-friendly interface.
Type and Modulation
Vapor Dimension has only two easy controls to inspire you and let you focus purely on the production. Open up and let the 20 new DSP algorithms do the rest under the hood. With Type, you can select from different sub-categories (from gentle to heavy), while Modulation lets you fine-tune and characterize your effect.
Inspired by Vintage Gear
Vapor Dimension instantly takes you back in time. Inspired by vintage chorus, phaser, and harmonizer hardware units, you can quickly add subtle, classic, lo-fi colors to your audio sources. Out of ideas? Choose from the artist presets and explore the different flavors!
Instant Variations
Need even more inspiration? Generate new variations with a push of a button! Vapor Dimension has equipped with our customers’ favorite Smart Random feature.
Vaporwave Mom. Lo-fi Dad.
The legacy version of this effect was released in 2019 for our flagship retrowave synth, Vapor Keys (Sunbaked Electric Pianos). Later, in 2022, we enhanced its DSP capabilities and added it to Lofi Keys synth. Finally, Vapor Dimension arrived as a standalone effect unit that can be used on any sound source.
Preset Demos
Explore the transformative power of Vapor Dimension through our audio demos. Experience how this plugin can add vintage, lo-fi colors to your synths, keys, pads, guitars, and vocals. Listen to the 20 custom-made DSP algorithms in action and discover the creative possibilities with just two main controls. From electronic to lofi and vaporwave, Vapor Dimension is your key to a wider, richer sound.
x64: VST3
Rock on and enjoy!
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