合成器插件 Reason RE Synapse Audio Antidote v1.2.8 PROPER [WiN]
仅Win版本Reason可用 | 134MB
Antidote RE 是 Propellerhead Reason 的新型虚拟模拟软件合成器。这款 Reason 独家设备设法将最高的音频质量、灵活性和快速的工作流程结合在一个极其易于使用的机架扩展中。Antidote 是专门为补充 Reason 而开发的,可以完美地融入它的环境。
• 两个波形堆栈,每个堆栈最多 24 个振荡器
• 零延迟反馈滤波器
• 综合效果部分
你需要 R2R Reason 版本和 TEAM R2R Reason Rack Extension Cache Builder。
Reason RE Synapse Audio Antidote v1.2.8 PROPE
Antidote RE is a novel virtual-analog software synthesizer for Propellerhead Reason. This Reason-exclusive device manages to combine the highest audio quality, flexibility and a fast work flow in an extremely easy-to-use Rack Extension. Antidote has been specifically developed to complement Reason, and to perfectly integrate into its environment.
• Two Waveform Stacks with up to 24 oscillators each
• Zero-Delay Feedback Filters
• Comprehensive Effects Section
A witch says,
You need R2R Reason release and TEAM R2R Reason Rack Extension Cache Builder.
Previous release does not contain high resolution contents.
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