复古合成器音源 Sample Magic BLOQ KONTAKT 音色

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KONTAKT | 1.22 Gb

Bloq是Sample Magic的首款虚拟乐器。 Bloq拥有超过2.6GB的样本数据,并经过仔细整理和自定义的预设进行显示,它是使用某些历史上最具标志性和最受推崇的合成器和鼓机制作的。

拥有令人羡慕的17个合成器和13个鼓机的阵容,其中包括Roland TR-808,TR-909,TB-303,Jupiter 8,Jupiter 6,SH-101,Arp Odyssey,Sequential Circuits Pro-One,Prophet 5 ,Clavia Nord Lead 4和Akai MPC 60等仅举几例,每个补丁的每个键都通过Prism Orpheus声卡通过各种高质量的前置放大器以24位分辨率精心采样。

使用SSL G系列和DBX 160压缩器,Empirical Labs Distressor,Focusrite ISA 430和Neve 1073通道条对样品进行了进一步处理,从而获得了无与伦比的音质。

Sample Magic的商标设计敏锐度意味着Bloq包含两个制作精美的GUI,并配有复古风格的旋钮,开关,LED,木制侧面板和独特的推子式步进音序器。



>包括针对Ableton Live 9和Logic EXS-24 / Ultrabeat版本的定制机架,并对Kontakt版本中介绍的每个补丁进行了广泛处理。通过众多智能宏分配,包括滤波器截止,混响时间,延迟时间,释放时间和其他各种常用的创意控制分配,Bloq将兼容性和性能推到了极限。

>利用Kontakt广泛的脚本引擎,具有富有表现力的32步音序器,3频段均衡器,和弦记忆功能,带有混音和随机控制的8轨鼓模式作曲器,强大的FX引擎,包括混响,延迟,合唱,移相器,3 tempo-同步LFO,颤音,自动平移,音高调制,统一语音叠加,多种高通和低通滤波器类型,磁带驱动器,老式建模的压缩功能以及能够即时将声音和十进制声音消减到12位质量的能力。


屡获殊荣的声音设计师,制作人和Sample Magic联合创始人Sharooz创造了97种以上的合成器贴片,35种鼓组和140种内置的独特鼓型,展示了每种鼓组中的最佳音色。


>老式采样器模式允许即时模拟标志性的EMU SP1200 12位采样鼓机。

由屡获殊荣的晶体管革命系列创作者Matt Fudge编写的自定义脚本。

Bloq is the debut virtual instrument from Sample Magic. Featuring over 2.6GB of sample data and presented in carefully collated and customised presets, Bloq has been made using some of the most iconic and revered synthesisers and drum machines of all time.

Drawing from an enviable line-up of 17 synthesisers and 13 drum machines including the Roland TR-808, TR-909, TB-303, Jupiter 8, Jupiter 6, SH-101, Arp Odyssey, Sequential Circuits Pro-One, Prophet 5, Clavia Nord Lead 4 and Akai MPC 60 to name but a few, every key of every patch was painstakingly sampled through a variety of high quality preamps at 24-bit resolution via the Prism Orpheus soundcard

The samples were further processed with the SSL G-series and DBX 160 compressors, Empirical Labs Distressor, Focusrite ISA 430 and Neve 1073 channel strip for unrivalled sound quality.

Sample Magic’s trademark design acumen means Bloq contains two beautifully crafted GUIs complete with retro-styled knobs, switches, LEDs, wooden side panels and a unique fader-style step sequencer.


> Over 7300 unique samples at 24-bit resolution, with every key, velocity, pitch, decay and tone setting of every patch faithfully represented.

> Includes customised Rack for Ableton Live 9 and Logic EXS-24 / Ultrabeat version with extensive treatments of every patch as presented in the Kontakt version. With numerous smart macro assignments including filter cutoff, reverb time, delay time, release time and various other commonly used creative control assignments, Bloq pushes compatibility and performance to the limit.

> Drawing on Kontakt’s extensive scripting engine, features an expressive 32 step sequencer, 3-band EQ, chord memory functionality, 8 track drum pattern composer with shuffle and randomise controls, powerful FX engine including reverb, delay, chorus, phaser, 3 tempo-syncable LFOs, tremolo, auto-pan, pitch mod, unison voice stacking, multiple hi-pass and low-pass filter types, tape drive, vintage modelled compression and the ability to instantly decimate and bitcrush sounds to 12-bit quality.

> Split into two modules, Bloq Drum and Bloq Synth, Bloq Drum allows each pad to be individually treated with transient shaping, ADSR, HPF and LPF filters, FX sends, tuning and the ability to assign each hit to up to 16 separate outputs.

> 97+ synth patches, 35 drum kits and 140 inbuilt unique drum patterns by award-winning sound designer, producer and Sample Magic co-founder Sharooz showcasing the best sounds from each kit.

> Lossless audio compression makes switching between patches a breeze, regardless of processing power or RAM.

> Vintage sampler mode allows for instant emulation of the iconic EMU SP1200 12-bit sampling drum machine.

> Customised script programmed by Matt Fudge, creator of the award-winning Transistor Revolution series.




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