超低音提琴弦乐独奏音源 Soundiron Hyperion Strings Oktobass KONTAKT 音色 暂无演示

超低音提琴弦乐独奏音源 Soundiron Hyperion Strings Oktobass KONTAKT 音色

¥8.8 金币
  • 普通用户购买价格 : 8.8金币
  • SVIP会员购买价格 :0金币
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  • Windows+MacOSX
  • 版本稳定好用


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  • KONTAKT | 7.3GB




    第一把Oktobass(也拼作“Octobass”)是由让-巴普蒂斯特·维约姆于1849年建造的,但到19世纪末,它已经沉入传说,但在一个多世纪的时间里没有被遗忘。然后在1996年,低音提琴手Nicola Moneta、琴匠Pierre Bohr和弓匠Piero Cavalazzi制造了第一台现代的Octobass。Moneta在过去25年里在世界各地的近150场音乐会上演奏了它,尽管它仍然是今天仅存的几个之一。


    我们与Giorgio Riolo和Daniele Bertinelli合作,将Octobass捕捉到Milan,意大利的Moneta私人画廊。它是使用一对近距离的大膜麦克风在F音孔处录制的,以实现干燥和亲密的声音,并使用离开2米远的一对全指向性麦克风录制以获得明亮而生动的室内音质。麦克风可以实时混合,乐器可以自由地放置在我们的虚拟舞台上,设有大量我们的自定义环境,因此您可以轻松将其混合到任何您想要的编曲中。您在Hyperion Solo Strings Oktobass中有无尽的创作选择!


    – 多采样的Oktobass发音和即兴短语,支持两个麦克风位置
    – 真正的连奏、持续音、短音、短语、表情、音效
    – 2个功能强大的Kontakt .nki乐器预设,适用于完整版Kontakt 6.2.2+
    – 5558个解锁的立体声采样样本,以WAV格式提供
    – 24位/48kHz无损PCM wav采样
    – 安装后大小为12.6GB
    – 灵活直观的用户界面,带有专业功能、深度自定义能力和简单工作流程
    – 在数十个自定义房间、大厅、小室和特效环境中定位声音舞台

    需要Kontakt 6.2.2+。

    Soundiron Hyperion Strings Oktobass KONTAKT
    The Octobass is the lowest concert string instrument, with a thunderous, room-shaking growl. This 12GB+ library for Kontakt has 30+ articulations, with various sustains, shorts, dynamic expressions, legato, effects, aleatoric phrases, inspiring performance tools, creative options and a huge range of custom spaces.

    The Oktobass is the deepest concert string instrument, with a thunderous, room-shaking growl. We’ve sampled this bone-rattling beast to build a massive virtual instrument offering 30+ articulations and over 12GB of content. You’ll find a variety of sustains, shorts, dynamic expressions, true legato, creative effects and hundreds of aleatoric melodic phrases. As part of our Hyperion symphonic series, it provides a suite of intuitive options, flexible tools and inspiring performance features, from intelligent arpeggiation and articulation switching, to flexible tempo-synching and sound-shaping DSP effects, all at your fingertips to make it easy to craft brilliantly life-like arrangements.

    The first Oktobass (also spelled “Octobass”) was built in 1849 by Jean Baptiste Vuillaume, but it drifted into legend by the end of the 1800s, lost but not forgotten for over a century. Then in 1996, double bass player Nicola Moneta, luthier Pierre Bohr and bow-maker Piero Cavalazzi constructed the first modern Octobass. Moneta has gone on to play it in nearly 150 concerts around the world over the last 25 years, though it still remains one of only a handful in existence today.

    This 3.48 meter (11.5 ft) mammoth is played from a raised platform, using a row of mechanical levers to control the fingerboard. The cavernous instrument body produces a surprisingly nuanced character, with intense stereo movement and subtle mechanical ornamentation.

    We worked with Giorgio Riolo and Daniele Bertinelli to capture the Octobass at Moneta’s private gallery in Milan, Italy. It was recorded using a close pair of large-diaphragm mics at the F holes to achieve a dry and intimate sound, and a wide-spaced pair of omnis at 2 meters for a bright and vivid chamber quality. The mics can be blended in real-time, and the instrument can be freely positioned on our virtual stage, featuring a huge menu of our custom environments, so it’s easy to mix into any arrangement you desire. Your creative options are endless with the Hyperion Solo Strings Oktobass!

    Product Specs

    – Multi-sampled Oktobass articulations and improvised phrases in two microphone positions
    – True Legato, Sustains, Shorts, Phrases, Expressions, SFX
    – 2 Powerful Kontakt .nki instrument presets made for the full retail Kontakt 6.2.2+
    – 5,558 stereo samples in unlocked WAV format
    – 24 bit / 48 kHz uncompressed PCM wav samples
    – 12.6 GB installed
    – A flexible, intuitive user interface with pro features, deep customizability, and simple workflow
    – Sound stage positioning in dozens of custom rooms, halls, chambers & FX environments

    Requires Kontakt 6.2.2+


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