印度打击乐器音源 Indigisounds Chutney and Tassa Starter Pack KONTAKT 编曲音色库 暂无演示

印度打击乐器音源 Indigisounds Chutney and Tassa Starter Pack KONTAKT 编曲音色库

¥8.8 金币
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    KONTAKT | 1.5GB




    塔萨是从印度北部和中部平原演变而来的。所使用的主要乐器是Dhol或低音鼓,与加勒比海相当的nagara(称为kutter鼓),以及Jhanj ym。塔萨(Tassa)的传染性节奏已成为双岛共和国庆祝活动的代名词。雷鸣般的低音与刺穿的碎屑相伴而来,唤醒了身体,使其顺应其命令。塔莎(Tassa)是所有印度传统婚礼和庆典的主要内容,现在可以无缝地应用于任何音频作品中。它的感染力可以应用于任何打击乐团和创意。

    In the aftermath of the abolition of slavery in the Caribbean, the East Indian indentured labourers arrived bringing with them another culture to the melting pot of the West Indies. Foremost of the elements which they brought with them was their musical identity. East Indian indentured labourers came mainly from the Hindustan belt to cultivate the sugar plantations predominantly in Trinidad and Tobago, Suriname, and Guyana.

    This sample library offer comprises the two major musical sub-genres to emerge within the history of West Indian Creole musical innovations, both of which are the result of the East Indian immigrant presence in the Caribbean.

    Chutney music evolved from the Bhojpuri folk music. The primary instruments used are the harmonium, dhantal, and dholak. This traditional chutney sound is the seminal form of original and organic expression of the Indian diaspora in the Caribbean. The Chutney melodies and rhythms have evolved over the years to adapt to changes in technology and taste while moving forward with the strides in the Carnival industry, giving rise to the crossover genre of Chutney-Soca. However, Chutney still retains the frenetic rhythms of the dholak coupled with the melodic runs and soothing hums of the harmonium as well as traditional melodies and arrangements. At your fingertips is a library of authentic dholak, dhantal and harmonium samples and loops. Vocal samples of popular ad-libs and expressions also are included to help bring that instant flair to your productions.

    The Tassa drums evolved from the North and Central Plains of India. The main instruments used are the Dhol or bass drum, the Caribbean equivalent of nagara known as the kutter drum, and the Jhanj cymbal. Tassa’s infectious rhythm has become synonymous with the celebration in the twin-island Republic. The thunderous bass accompanied by the piercing kutter awakens the body to move to its command. A mainstay at all traditional Indian weddings and festivities, the Tassa can now be adapted seamlessly into any audio production. Its infectious effect can be applied to any percussive ensembles and ideas.

    Access to over 3100 handcrafted music samples of:
    + Chutney
    – Harmoniums – 2 x – single strike x 3 velocity layers and modeled noises.
    – Dhatal –
    /-/ Single Strike -1 x – 2 microphone placements, 5 velocity layers, and 4 round robins.
    /-/ Loops – Access over 12 signature rhythms(44.1KHz).
    – Dholak –
    /-/ Single Strike – 3 x – 2 microphone placements, 5 velocity layers, and 4 round robins).
    /-/ Loops – Access over 52 signature rhythms (44.1KHz).
    – Ad-libs [/i]– 14 x – Chutney male and female Ad-libs.[/i]

    + Tassa
    – Kutter
    /-/ Single Strike – 5 x – 2 microphone placements, 5 velocity layers, and 4 round robins.
    /-/ Loops – 63 signature rhythms(44.1KHz).
    – Dhol
    /-/ Single Strike – 3 x – 2 microphone placements, 5 velocity layers, and 4 round robins).
    /-/ Loops – 7 signature rhythms(44.1KHz).
    – Jhanj
    Single Strike – 2 x – 2 microphone placements, 5 velocity layers, and 4 round robins.
    Loops – 8 signature rhythms(44.1KHz).

    All rhythms are tempo-aligned to improve playability.
    Option to access speed, tuning, quantization, attack and hold features(Main Page).
    Option to access reverse, chorus, phaser, reverb delay, and filter (FXPage).
    Option to access the signature Indigisounds Breakaway loudness at the convenience of your fingertips.
    Playback capability for music notation software and Digital Audio Workstations using NKS ready KONTAKT, KONTAKT PLAYER, KOMPLETE as a VST or AU plugin.
    …..The possibilities for you the producer are endless…


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