Serum Presets | 81MB
Oversampled PORTIFY Porter Robinson Type Serum Preset Pack presets
This pack is a starting kit for your productions. With it, you will be able to create futuristic songs within a ‘seconds’. Sounds from PORTIFY has been prepared to layer with each other, meaning that they perfectly fit in any place in your song.
The pack consists of arps, basses, chords, keys, leads, pads, plucks, glitches and more. And that means it’s all you need to create Porter inspired songs.
Some of the sounds from the pack can be heard on the preview video (in the first part) as recreated tracks or (in the second part or on soundcloud) as single presets.
82 Presets For Serum:
•9 Arps
•12 Basses
•16 Chords
•6 Keys
•20 Leads
•9 Pads
•7 Plucks
•3 Effects (glitches & soundscapes)
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