VPS Avenger v1.4.1 复仇者合成器 电音 音色 插件 含95套扩展 Win+Mac 暂无演示

VPS Avenger v1.4.1 复仇者合成器 电音 音色 插件 含95套扩展 Win+Mac

¥18.88 金币
  • 普通用户购买价格 : 18.88金币
  • SVIP会员购买价格 :0金币
  • 终身SVIP购买价格 : 免费
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  • Windows+MacOSX
  • 版本稳定好用


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  • v1.4.1


    Windows | AAX | VST | VST2 | VST3 | 215MB


    MacOSX 10.10-10.15-OSX11 | VST | AU | 300MB



    Vengeance Producer Suite – Avenger / Overview
    Vengeance Producer Suite (VPS) Avenger facts:

    Meet our new alpha and omega of synthesis: Vengeance Producer Suite Avenger is here! The most versatile and best sounding synth you will ever encounter. There is nothing VPS Avenger can’t do, it offers you tons of features and a gigantic growing library from some of the best sound designers on this planet.

    Avenger uses CodeMeter protection, that means you have 3 activations for your computers and you can activate/de-activate them in your Avenger account page. You do NOT need a USB dongle for Avenger! Computers are software activated and refresh their license automatically all 90 days. The use of a dongle is optional. If you use one you need a WIBU Key CodeMeter Dongle (at least version 3).

    • up to 8 OSC Modules:

    each OSC with own V-Saw (Supersaw) (1-7 voices, 1-4 octs, pan spread)
    each OSC with its own vibrato LFO (which can modulate every V-Saw (Supersaw) voice seperately)
    each OSC with own Chorder (Note Stacker, Unison)
    each OSC with additional Sub OSC model
    each OSC can have its own synthesis model (see “GENERATORS” for details)
    • OSC Transformation parameters:

    Xcite (bending the waveform in any direction)
    Formant (pulse width modulate any waveform)
    Bit/Crush (Rate/Bit reduce any waveform)
    Sync (easy sync mode with built in modulation env)
    Volume / Pan / Transpose / Finetune / Random&Alternate Pitch
    Noise Generator (level, noise color / noise rate reducer, stereo spread)
    FM & AM (if you wish Alias free mode), FM source: countless basic waveforms, noise or own custom drawable shapes. Rate is syncable to semitones/octaves/7ths etc)
    FFT editor for each OSC Module: Edit all spectral content in realtime, delete odd harmonics, boost octaves performs morphs or create custom filtersweeps
    many FFT presets (organ overtone registers, crazy stuff etc…)
    use our unique feature to randomly pulsate every band!
    •  up to 8 ARP Modules:

    up / down / random / poly modes
    editable note lengths and note transposes / velocities
    each arp has up to 4 sub patterns (A B C D), means you can make complex melodies of 4x 32notes
    hundreds of ARP presets
    • up to 8 Step SQ Modules:

    contour, decay, gate time, editable step lengths and velocity
    perfectly synces Step SQ
    Can be quickly used as TranceGate effect
    does not click
    stereo mode (L/R)
    comes with many presets, even such as sidechain simulations, rhythmic gates etc…

    • up to 8 Mod Envelope Modules:

    free configurable envelopes, add as many points as you like
    can also be in sync mode (quarter/triplet) to create moving and unique patterns
    countless trigger modes, such as firt/last notes, arpeggio, bassdrum from drum SQ etc
    can oneshot, loop, loop with release phase, ping pong etc…

    • up to 8 Pitch Envelope Modules:

    BiPolar Pitch envelope where you can add as many additional points as you like
    sync and trigger modes like in the Mod Envelope
    portamento modes: normal, poly, legato and poly legato (yes) with custom depth and portamento pitch curve
    editable Pitchbend lag time

    • up to 4 AMP Modules:

    OSCs can be routet in different AMP Modules:
    each AMP module has its own (analog) AHDSR envelope, but can be triggered from other env sources, such as MOD Envelope, too
    spike parameter, which REALLY spikes this time.
    volume / Pan / Keytrack
    stereo spread parameter

    • up to 4 FILTER Modules Master Filter Module:

    OSCs can be routet in different FILTER Modules
    each FILTER module has its own (analog) AHDSR envelope, but can be triggered from other env sources, such as MOD Envelope, too
    at the moment 47 Filtertypes, all basic filter types as well as analog filter, comb filter, talking/vowel filters, peakfilters, fm/crush, TB filter etc…
    resonance type selectable: additive or volume compensated
    each filter has Drive, Drive oversampled and a neat Comb filter

    • up to 4 SHAPER Modules:

    the Shaper modules add distortion (per voice!) for each osc which is routet into it
    at the moment 17 unique distortion models
    two pre distortion EQ bands to shape the distortion tone
    stereo split mode
    can be pre or post FILTER or AMP modules

    • up to 4 LFO Modules:

    17 LFO Shapes to chose from 3 freely drawable shapes
    fade in / delay
    change offset (y axis) phase (x axis)
    countless trigger modes, such as firt/last notes, arpeggio, bassdrum from drum SQ etc
    of course syncable (normal, triplet, dotted), with extra long LFO times

    Drum Sequencer:

    dedicated drum sequencer for the drumkits with up to 16 bars
    triplet or quarter mode
    roll function for each note (x2, x3, x4 etc)
    each note has velocity, pan, pitch or gate time
    multiple selection tool: draw a box and select multiple notes, delete them, move them (with cursor arrows up/down/left/right) or st the velocity for all at once
    many special modes: flip, reverse, mirror, copy/fill blocks etc

    • powerful routing system:

    add new modules and re-arrange the order the signal passes the modules for each OSC
    apply send FX
    graphic routing help system: rightclick on a module in the OSC routing diagram lets a cross-hair apear, to show you where this module is located in the GUI

    • unique new Modmatrix system:

    “Drag and Drop” creation of ModMatrix entries. Just drag a source and drop it to any target you want on the GUI
    “grouped” mod matrix. Means you can change all modmatrix assigments with 1 click to a LFO assignment for example
    ” ” (additive) or “%” (percentage) modes
    lag parameter. Smoothens the modulation, giving it inertia (for wha wha etc…)
    cool new mod sources, such as PORTAMENTO glide (for example open the filter with the glide movement)
    almost everything in VPS Avenger can be connected and modulated

    • MACRO Controllers:

    All Factory presets are pre-routet with cool modulations on these Macro Controllers
    3 Macro knobs
    2 Macro buttons

    • up to 6 free routable FX busses:

    4 Insert FX Racks with 8 FX slots each
    Send FX Rack
    Master FX Rack
    like in your DAW you can route the FX into each other
    You can route past the Master FX bus. For example can everything be compressed and limited on the Master Bus, except the Bassdrum, which will be dry routet to the output
    at the moment 30 FX types: Delay, ArtsAcoustic Reverb, Trashverb, V-Verb, Room Sim, Impulse Response Reverb (with new IRs!), Gated Rev, Flanger, Chorus, Phaser, Multimod, Ministop (Tapestop!), Minichain (Sidechain), Bitcrusher, Distotion, Fuzzbox, Multiband Dist, Vinylizer, Waveshaper, Limiter, Compressor, Stereo Matrix, 4Band Equalizer, Multiband Limiter, Vintage Chorus, Vintage Flanger, Vintage Phaser, Rotary Simulation, Ensemble ARP, Ensemble 330
    each FX type comes with many many presets.

    • Wavetable Envelope / Editor:

    specialized envelope for all wavetables
    can oneshot, pingpong, loop. Global or per voice
    “wobble” pattern generator. Unique new system, which lets you multiply, revese or flip the envelope with a pattern
    Fade in / outs, zoom, normalize, reverse for wavetables

    • further features:

    Mixer Page: all busses and tracks at once for mixing and levelling
    keyzones / velzones: create complex key and velocity zones with fade ins/outs for each OSC / drums
    support for MIDI foot pedals, breath controller etc. For example: with one click assign your expression pedal to move the modwheel or the sustain pedal to control the release / any other parameter
    global shuffle factor: All shuffles (ARP, StepSQ, DrumSQ etc) are linked to each other
    parameter lock: lock your shuffle, volume or filter settings during preset change
    powerful UNDO function: whatever you did, it can be UNDOne with 1 click
    real monophonic mode: multiple notes wont kill your original now when released. You will notice this immediately when playing
    Tooltips explaining each parameter (can be turned off)
    customizable INIT preset
    navigate with cursor keys through the library
    export your current OSC shape with 1 click. Whenever you created new and cool waveforms you can add them into your library as a new OSC shape.

    • Graphic / Librarian / Browser:

    easy to use preset selector, Favourites, own expansions (with icons)
    Tag Cloud for every preset… tag based seach system
    File Browser for importing own drums, multisamples, shapes or wavetables
    VPS Avenger will come with more than 750 high quality presets from all genres
    GUI open for skinning
    runs ultra smoothly in 60hz
    resizable skin in realtime – just resize it like a Windows window (if supported by host)
    everything is displayed in realtime, the waveform changes, the knob modulations etc. The presets come to life visually.


    •              classic VA Synthesesis
    Regular synthesis with saw, square, sine, noise, tri etc… 7x Supersaw in cobination with 5x chorder module and sub osc (all PER OSC!), sounding wonderfully analog and fat.

    •              Oscillator Shapes:
    You can import and convert ANY 1 cycle waveform sample into an Oscillator shape. Once the waveform is imported, you can transform it in every direction possible, 100% alias free.
    there are thousands of hand selected shapes to chose from in VPS Avengers factory library. Many emulate the shapes of classic gear or complex digital shapes, dubstep screams, real instruments etc…

    •              Freeform:
    You can freely draw your own OSC shapes. Use a pencil or draw lines, use smoothening parameters or normalize, fade in/outs as help to create every shape you can imagine.

    •              Wavetable Synthesis:
    if you stack up to 128 Oscillator Shapes you will have a Wavetable. Wavetables can be morphed seamleassy and have their own powerful editor and morphing envelopes
    VPS Avengers factory library will come with more than 600 top notch wavetables, ranging from all kind of synthesis tricks, vocals, harmonic/disharmonic spectrals, FM or real instrument morphs. Of yourse you can load and create your
    own wavetables.

    •              Resample:
    Basically this is a wavetable editor, this Synthesis mode lets you cycle through long wave files, to explore microscopic grains as an OSC source.

    •              Multisamples:
    Each of VPS Avengers 8 Oscillators can also be a Multisample player. With our new “Sample Stacker” feature you can layer up to 4 multisamples in each OSC module with 1 click. VPS Avenger comes with a huge library of more than 1000 Multisamples, ranging from
    pianos & organs, synths, real instruments, voices etc. Furthermore there are 2 special Sample Sources: Attack Clicks and Organic Noises which are great layer additions.

    •              Drumkits:
    This are real drumkits with their own drum edit page and a exclusive new Drum Sequencer. VPS Avenger comes with more than 160 Drumkits from all possible genres, while each drumkit holds 12 perfectly mixed and matches
    drumsamples. Furthermore each drumkit has its own Drum Sequencer pattern. You can Change the Kits or the Pattern seperately, which gives you endless combinations. Of course you can create your own kits by filling it with normal drum samples.
    •              Granular Synthesis:
    Every OSC can be a full granular module: Load one of the many granular samples from the factory sounds into it ot drag and drop your own samples Explore the sample being played back in hundreds of small grains. Pitch, spread, reverse these grains, play forward, backward or in whatever speed or direction your want by using our internal powerful granular envelope. Insane and unlimited possibilites – and a lot of fun!

    •              Real FM synthesis:
    Avengers easy but powerful FM & AM engine let you  create your wildest FM fantasies: Modulate to countless FM shapes, your own custom FM shapes or “cross frequency-modulate” with other oscillators, or other oscillators, which have been cross modulated with other FM sources. Highly flexible, complex but easy to handle and – if you wish – we also have an “alias free FM mode”

    •              Feedback Synthesis:
    Avengers’ perfectly tuned new comb filter gives you the possibility of feedback / string simulation synthesis: Use short pluck samples as resonator impulses for guitar string like sounds or use waveforms with strong feedback for screaming sounds. Add a shaper module for further control and more interesting frequency spectrums or stack two or more comb filter modules for complete feedback mayhem!

    •              Guitar Player / Chord Detection Module
    New Multiloop Module: Live Loop Guitar Player with update 1.5.0

    Features (short):

    VST / PC & Intel Mac VST / AU & AAX – runs in all compatible hosts
    64 Bit and VST3 standard (64Bit is required!)
    over 930 factory presets
    620 multisamples
    218 special samples (attacks, noises)
    154 resampler waves
    168 drumkits, 168 drumsequences
    596 wavetables
    219 granular samples
    thousands of OSC shapes (waveforms) available
    30 fx types (incl. analog chorus, Reverb, Phaser etc. from ArtsAcoustic)
    47 Filtertypes
    up to 1000 playing oscs with one note possible
    resampling / wavetable generator built in
    freeform OSCs. Draw your own waveforms
    alias free OSCs, Wavetables, FM and AM modulation
    powerful and easy drag and drop mod matrix
    resizable vectorized GUI (4k ready)
    undo feature
    comfortable preset search system / tag cloud
    8 arps, drumsequencer, 8 step sqs, 18 envelope generators
    16 individually routable sub outs into your DAW’s mixer
    macro controllers assigned in each preset, for quick sound changes
    external midi controllers and pedals support
    free routable fx busses and send effects
    customizable lfos, 4 shaper modules (distortion units on OSC level)
    many unisono features: chorder and our own invented “V-Saw” supersaw
    key- and velocityzones
    import your own (multi)samples, drums, wavetables or OSC waveforms
    MIDI learn function (connect your external MIDI gear with Avenger)
    our installer contains:
    – 64Bit versions only
    – VST2 and VST3 versions
    – AU version
    – AAX version

    – WIBU CodeMeter installer

    Intel Core 2.5Ghz,
    OpenGL 3.2 capable GPU
    8GB RAM
    Win7/Win8/Win10 64Bit
    VST 2.4 compliant host

    Min. FULL HD recommended

    IntelMac 2.5Ghz
    8GB RAM
    Mac OSX 10.11
    VST 2.4/AU compliant host 64Bit
    OSX High Sierra (10.13) supported!

    Min. FULL HD recommended



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