从7月20日开始,我们自豪地宣布,我们所有的下一代合唱系列产品都将针对Free Kontakt Player进行编码,并由NKS控制标准提供支持。除此之外,每个合唱团将获得一个主要的免费更新,其中包括Performance Patches,新功能以及在未来几周内进行的小改进。每个星期在聚光灯下都会看到不同的合唱团。
在花了三年时间探索各种方法来对合唱团进行采样之后,Strezov Sampling为您带来了下一代虚拟合唱团。专注于电影配乐史上近几十年来最具标志性的合唱团音色-Khazad-dûm男合唱团-Wotan是唤起一个久久被人们遗忘的王国之声的终极工具。
由十个男高音和十个低音(包括低音大提琴)组成,许多音乐会合唱录音的所有部分,例如《地狱的两个步骤》,并录制在Sofia Session Studio Wotan中,是广受赞誉的StormChoir系列的补充。尺寸和细节层。
Strezov Sampling WOTAN Male Choir KONTAKT
Starting from July 20 we are proud to announce that all of our Next Generation Choir Series products will be encoded for the Free Kontakt Player as well as powered by the NKS Control Standard. In addition to that every choir will receive one major free update adding Performance Patches as well as new features and small improvements over the next weeks. Each week will see a different choir in the spotlight.
First in line is WOTAN Male Choir.
After spending three years exploring various methods to sample choirs Strezov Sampling finally brings to you the next generation of virtual choirs. Focusing on one of the most iconic choir timbres of the last decades in the history of film soundtracks – The Khazad-dûm male choir – Wotan is the ultimate box of tools to evoke the sound of a long forgotten kingdom.
Comprised of ten tenors and ten basses (including basso profundos), all part of many choir recording sessions for artists like Two Steps from Hell, and recorded in the Sofia Session Studio Wotan is the perfect addition to the critically acclaimed StormChoir range adding a whole new layer of dimension and detail.
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