精致的 10 英尺意大利音乐会三角钢琴的纯净音色
克莱尔钢琴以备受赞誉的 Noire 引擎为基础,采用世界上最好、最大的三角钢琴之一,音色和谐丰富,从深沉嘹亮的低音到清晰闪烁的泛音,一应俱全。无论您是在勾勒流行民谣,还是在创作宏大的电影配乐,克莱尔钢琴都能让您享受创作过程中的每一步,每一个音符都充满可能性。
版本 1.0.1 2024-12-13
软踏板和 Sostenuto 踏板功能
为所有踏板分配 Midi CC
释放 Sample 衰减时间,在演奏顿挫时有更好的表现
NKS2 布局和标签
Vibrant concert grand
The pristine tonal clarity of an exquisite 10ft Italian concert grand piano
Sampled with precision in a stunning recording hall with blendable close and room microphones
Transform each note into ripples of evolving textures with the Particles engine
Compose with clarity
Building on the acclaimed Noire engine with one of the world’s finest and largest grand pianos, Claire delivers a harmonically rich sound, flowing from deep, resonant basses to clear, shimmering overtones. Whether you’re sketching pop ballads or shaping grand cinematic scores, Claire invites you to enjoy each step of the creative process, where every note is full of possibility.
The crown jewel of grand pianos
Claire is meticulously sampled from a world-class Italian concert grand piano known for its unmatched tonal clarity, depth, and power. Its long, extended strings create a deep, cutting bass, while a unique fourth pedal reduces the hammer-blow distance to enable a softer volume without altering timbre.
Flexible sound design
Recorded at the acclaimed Galaxy Hall, Claire offers both close and room microphone setups, which can be seamlessly blended to create anything from intimate tones to expansive ambience. Further shape your sound with color, tonal shift, depth, and richness controls, dialing in mechanical and pedal noises for an authentic performance.
Play with Particles
A much-loved feature from Noire, the Particles engine elevates your sound by adding layers of rippling harmonics, textures, and subtle rhythmic patterns that react to your performance. It transforms each note into an immersive and evolving soundscape, infusing your compositions with emotion and taking them in fresh, creative directions.
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