新喷火史诗科幻电影配乐音源 Spitfire Audio eDNA Earth v2.0b121 KONTAKT 管弦乐合成器氛围音色库 暂无演示

新喷火史诗科幻电影配乐音源 Spitfire Audio eDNA Earth v2.0b121 KONTAKT 管弦乐合成器氛围音色库

¥8.8 金币
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    KONTAKT | 26.86GB

    eDNA Earth 是一个史诗般的管弦乐合成音效集,它是由喷火屡获殊荣的作曲家、工程师和开发人员团队,利用我们大量的有机管弦乐录音,经过处理、扭曲和重新编程后制作而成。我们拥有数以千计的音效和预设,将整个管弦乐调色板幻化成另一个宇宙。

    eDNA Earth 是一部功能强大的百科全书,收录了独特的实验电子采样,以电影、电视和游戏音乐为主题,为下一代媒体作曲家提供了无尽的灵感,同时也吸引了希望为自己的音乐添加前沿、电影电子质感的舞曲和流行音乐制作人。有了 eDNA 全新的易用、超强可控图形用户界面,新的音效实验的未知领域就在你的掌握之中。

    eDNA Earth 包含 1900 多种基本乐器,由 Spitfire 团队历时 6 个月制作成 1000 多种自定义预置。eDNA 引擎安装在一个极具吸引力的直观图形用户界面中,专为各种类型和电影场景而设计,让你创建并扩展自己的电影世界。按声音类型选择–Atmos、Drones and Scapes、Keys、Bass、Drums and Percussion、FX、Leads、Pads and Strings、Sequences and Plucks 或 Synthetic Orchestra–然后播放、播放、播放。这里的内容非常丰富,如果每种声音播放 30 秒钟,那么听完每种乐器和补丁就需要 15 个小时。

    有机音源取自我们最著名的音色库,包括 Albion One 和 Spitfire Symphony Orchestra,这些音色都是在 Air、Lyndhurst Hall 等世界上最好的录音室录制的。这些纹理很容易与原声录音和现场管弦乐队进行分层和混合,让你实现电子和原声的史诗般的毁灭性融合,并为你的创作增添实验色彩。从粗犷的都市戏剧、科幻、史诗动作和游戏音乐,到现代 EDM 和舞蹈,大量的音效和预设使它的用途极为广泛,让你能够创造出完全独特的音效。对于初学合成器编程的人,我们有 1000 多种开箱即用的预置;对于喜欢花几个小时调整音效的人,你可以对预置进行修改、影响和创建自己的预置。这不是现在或过去的音乐–这是一个全新的音景,为你的作品增添了一个额外的维度–从郁郁葱葱、广阔无垠的空灵垫子,到刺耳、反乌托邦式的无调性音效,应有尽有。如果您正在寻找超越管弦乐领域的永恒电影质感,那么这些大量的超可控音效将在未来的许多年里满足您对另一个世界的渴望。
    1900 多种有机录音,1000 多种自定义预置的史诗级电影合成器音效

    在过去的十年中,我们建立了最优秀的弦乐、铜管乐、木管乐和打击乐库。但在此期间,我们也一直怀有更深远的抱负。作为屡获殊荣的作曲家,Spitfire Audio 的创始人保罗-汤姆森(Paul Thomson)和克里斯蒂安-汉森(Christian Henson)在创作电影音乐时,一直苦于如何将合成音效与管弦乐、有机乐器相融合。在开发 Spitfire 广受欢迎的 Albion 系列中的 Stephenson’s 系列时,他们发现,如果将有机音源的声音扭曲,即使扭曲后的声音不再与原始音源相似,也能更有效地与有机材料相融合。继 Albion 系列取得成功之后,喷火战斗机又开始创造这个全新的声音世界。

    由于 Spitfire 的许多成员都来自 90 年代的第一波舞曲和实验电影创作浪潮,我们非常渴望将管弦乐采样录音改头换面,创造出新的声音。多年来,我们一直将其中的精华保存在一个秘密硬盘中,这是一组打磨过的钻石,随时可以进行处理和调整,以创造出极致的电子原材料。

    自喷火战机诞生之初,我们就开始尝试对管弦乐进行扭曲处理。我们开始寻找最稀有的模拟外置设备、合成器、滤波器、门和动词,并委托制作了一套定制的数字信号路径。多年来,我们经常从柜子里拿出秘密硬盘,调出声音,并通过这些多级信号路径输入。我们经常让这些声音 “熬 “上一夜,从而创造出最美味、最黑暗、听起来最错误的合成声音。在翘曲阶段,我们创建了超过一 TB 的数据。随后,我们的团队开始挑选和磨练其中的精华,以创建一组多采样音效–这就是 eDNA 地球的基础。

    eDNA 引擎
    将 eDNA 引擎想象成两个唱盘和一个高度复杂的 DJ 调音台。它包含两个音效托架,具有单独和独立的调制器,可控制微调、弯曲、滑行、克隆、调音、ADSR、LPF、HPF 和可调制音高、音量和滤波器的摆动。通过板载门音序器,可以在这两个音箱之间进行独立门控,并对音量、形状、速度和音序长度进行统一控制。最后,这两个信号通过 DJ 风格的 x 型推子进行统一。使用鼠标或出厂默认分配的调制轮可在音效之间移动。

    但它并不止于此。我们设计了一个定制脚本,可自动控制 x 推子的摆动速度和相位。最后,eDNA 的五级特效路径预装了 34 个定制插件(包括大量定制 IR)。有两个 “分层特效 “级可影响 A 或 B 音效,一个 “机动 “特效级可影响 A、B 或两者,还有一个主特效级可影响整个输出。最后是辅助特效级,可通过层或主特效级发送。其中的任何参数都可以分配给自动化或控制器

    地球 “音盒
    我们的获奖团队由作曲家、工程师和制作人组成,他们花了 6 个月的时间,将 eDNA 地球上的 1900 多种有机声音制作成 1000 多种 eDNA 预置–从精美精致的动态 MW x 淡入淡出,到涡轮增压的节奏同步、门控、相位奇观,应有尽有。eDNA 引擎由七个音盒组成,每个音盒都由不同的作曲家或工程师策划,每个音盒都专注于一种独特的音效风格。我们按音效类型对预置进行了分类,但你也可以使用 Komplete Kontrol 或 Maschine 按音源盒进行浏览。


    由屡获殊荣的作曲家 Christian Henson 精选,专为大银幕打造的现代混合合成器。

    由音效奇才 Stanley Gabriel 制作的主流时代合成器和模式,为流行音乐和舞曲增添了额外的维度。

    EDM 经典和下一代舞曲、节奏感极强的合成器和史诗般的音效,带您体验从奇特的 8 位和复古游戏机音效,到环境技术音乐和极简室内乐的旅程。

    数字与模拟合成器大战,使用 Christian Henson 收藏的大量稀有古董合成器,包括 Junos、Jupiters、MS20 和 Moogs,创造出一个全新的声音世界。

    伪有机 X-淡入淡出、PAD、氛围、无人机和效果器,由掌握时代潮流的 Spitfire 工程师 Harnek Mudhar 策划。Broken 在有机管弦乐素材和原始合成器声音之间的腹地运作–几乎就像地球上的乐器,但略带扭曲。

    需要免费的 NI Kontakt Player 或 NI Kontakt FULL v5.6.8 或更高版本!
    Spitfire Audio eDNA Earth v2.0b121 KONTAKT-25,02 GB
    A synthesiser made of orchestras
    An epic collection of synthesised orchestral sounds, eDNA Earth has been created using our enormous range of organic orchestral recordings, manipulated, warped and reprogrammed beyond recognition by Spitfire’s award-winning team of composers, engineers and developers. With thousands of sounds and presets, we have taken our entire orchestral palette and morphed it into an alternate universe.

    A powerful encyclopaedia of unique, experimental electronic samples, eDNA Earth has been created with film, TV and games music in mind, offering endless inspiration to the next generation of media composers, while also appealing to dance and pop producers wanting to add cutting-edge, cinematic electronic textures to their music. With eDNA’s new easy to use, ultra-controllable GUI, an uncharted territory of new sonic experimentation is within your grasp.
    An encyclopaedia of cinematic synth sounds
    eDNA Earth is a collection of 1900+ basic instruments, mangled into over 1000 custom presets by the Spitfire team, over a period of six months. The eDNA Engine, housed in an attractive, intuitive GUI, is designed for a wide range of genres and cinematic settings, allowing you to create and expand your own cinematic universe. Select by type of sound — Atmos, Drones and Scapes, Keys, Bass, Drums and Percussion, FX, Leads, Pads and Strings, Sequences and Plucks or Synthetic Orchestra — and play, play, play. Such is the depth of content here, that if you were to play each sound for 30 seconds, it would take you 15 hours to listen to every instrument and patch.

    The organic source material has been taken from our most renowned libraries, including Albion One and Spitfire Symphony Orchestra, recorded at the world’s best recording studios including Air, Lyndhurst Hall. These textures are easy to layer and mix with acoustic recordings and live orchestras, allowing you to realise epic, devastating fusions of electronic and acoustic sounds and add an experimental dimension to your composition. From gritty urban drama, sci-fi, epic action and game music, to contemporary EDM and dance, the sheer amount of sounds and presets make it extremely versatile, enabling you to create entirely unique soundscapes. For those new to synth programming we have over 1000+ spring-out-of-the-box presets, and for those who love to spend hours tweaking sounds, you have the ability to mangle, affect and create your own presets. This is not about the music of now or yesterday – this is a whole new soundscape, adding an extra dimension to your compositions – from lush, expansive ethereal pads to jarring, dystopian, atonal sound effects. If you are looking for timeless cinematic textures that go far beyond orchestral domains, this vast array of ultra-controllable sounds will keep your other-worldly desires sated for many years to come.
    Over 1900 organic recordings, warped into 1000+ custom presets of epic cinematic synth sounds
    The history
    We have spent the last ten years building the finest collection of strings, brass, woodwinds and percussion libraries. But throughout this period, we have also been harbouring a deeper ambition. As award-winning composers, Spitfire Audio founders Paul Thomson and Christian Henson struggled with mixing synthesised sounds in with orchestral, organic instruments they used when writing music to picture. When working on the Stephenson’s range from Spitfire’s popular Albion range, they found that if sounds are warped from organic sources, they sat in with organic material more effectively, even if the warped sound no longer resembled its original source material. Following on from the success of the Albion range, Spitfire set about creating this new world of sound.

    As many of us here at Spitfire come from the first wave of 90s dance music and experimental cinematic composition, we were aching to mess with our orchestral sample recordings and turn them into something new. For years we kept a depository of the best of them, on a secret hard drive, a set of polished diamonds, ready to be manipulated and skewed to create the ultimate in electronic raw materials.

    Since the dawn of Spitfire, we have experimented with orchestral warping. We set about finding the most rarefied analogue outboard equipment, synths, filters, gates and verbs and commissioned and created a set of bespoke digital signal paths. At regular points over the years, we took our secret hard drive out of its cupboard, pulled the sounds up and fed them through these multi-stage signal paths. We often left them simmering overnight, creating the most deliciously dark, wrong-sounding set of synthetic sounds. During the warp stage, we created well over a terabyte of data. Our team then set about selecting and honing the very best of the best to create a collection of multi-sampled sound sets — the foundations of eDNA Earth.

    The eDNA engine
    Imagine the eDNA engine as a set of two turntables and a highly sophisticated DJ mixer. It contains two sound bays, with individual and independent modulators, control of trim, bend, glide, cloning, tuning, ADSR, LPFs, HPFs and wobbles that modulate pitch, volume and filters. The onboard gate sequencer allows independent gating between these two bays and unified control of amount, shape, speed and length of sequence. These two signals are then at last unified with a DJ style x-fader. Move between the sounds with the mouse or the factory-default assigned modulation wheel.
    But it doesn’t stop there. We’ve designed a custom script that oscillates the x-fader automatically with control over speed and phase. Last but not least is eDNA’s five-stage FX path with 34 custom plugins (including a bunch of bespoke IRs) pre-loaded. There are two “layer fx” stages that effect sound A or B. A “motorised” FX stage that can either effect A, B or both, and a master FX stage that affects the entire output. Finally, an auxiliary FX stage that can be sent via the layers or master FX stage. Any parameter of these can be assigned for automation or assignment to your controller.

    The Earth ‘cartridges’
    Our award-winning team of composers, engineers and producers spent six months wrestling eDNA Earth’s 1900+ organic sounds into an awesome array of 1000+ eDNA presets — from beautifully refined dynamic MW x-fades, to turbo-charged tempo synced, gated, phased wonders. The eDNA engine is made up of seven cartridges, each curated by a different composer or engineer, each of them focusing on a distinct sonic style. We have organised the presets by type of sound, but you can also browse by cartridge, using Komplete Kontrol or Maschine.

    A series of chaotic, frenzied, dystopian sounds, from searing leads to super fat basses and eerie, atmospheric pads. Suitable for the grittier end of dance music, this set of sounds will also add edge to hybrid blockbuster and trailer work.

    Modern hybrid synths for the big screen, curated by multi-award-winning composer Christian Henson.

    Mainstream zeitgeist synths and patterns by sonic wizard Stanley Gabriel, adding an extra dimension to pop and dance music.

    EDM classics and next-generation dance, rhythmic synths and epic drops, taking you on a journey from quirky 8-bit and vintage game console sounds, through to ambient techno and minimal house.

    Digital vs Analogue synth battles, made using Christian Henson’s enormous, rarefied vintage synthesizer collection of Junos, Jupiters, MS20’s and Moogs, creating a whole new world of sonic opportunities.

    Pseudo-organic x-fades, pads, atmos, drones & fx, curated by Harnek Mudhar, a Spitfire engineer with his finger on the zeitgeist. Broken operates in the hinterland between organic orchestral material and raw synth sounds — almost like earthly instruments, but slightly warped.

    An ever-changing landscape — hold a sound down and move the modulation wheel very slowly. Every sound here is programmed to morph beyond all recognition via vibrant shimmering paths.
    Requires free NI Kontakt Player or NI Kontakt FULL v5.6.8 or higher!


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