WAV | MiDi | 396MB ……:::::: 采样包 ::::::……
这是适用于所有嘻哈和陷阱制作人的新架子鼓。新鲜更新的食材,包括全拍循环,脱衣舞和踩Hat循环,踢一杆,小军鼓和拍手,打击乐,808’s,合成器一杆以及所有其他多汁的东西,随时为您可爱的采样器准备。最好对音乐的构建要素进行更新,这就是鼓。现在是使用Function Loops的Trap&Hip Hop New Drumkit的最佳时机。 Here’s a new drumkit for all Hip Hop & Trap producers. Freshly updated ingredients, including Full Beat Loops, Stripped & Hi Hat Loops, Kick One Shots, Snares & Claps, Percussion, 808’s, Synth One Shots plus all the other juicy stuff, ready for your lovely sampler.It’s good to get an update on the building blocks of your music, which are drums. Now it’s a good time to do so with this Trap & Hip Hop New Drumkit from Function Loops.
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