……:::::: 采样包内容 ::::::…… Function Loops的“ 90’s Infused Hiphop”提供了超过300MB的现代Hiphop声音,并融合了现场乐器和老式的共鸣音,这使得此包超级有趣且独特。包含鼓循环,旋律循环,音乐循环,一发一拍和MIDI文件,所有内容均100%免版税。 您会发现Beats,Basslines,吉他,钢琴,Sax,Synths和Vocals –是任何Hiphop制作人的完美收藏。一键拍摄,包括低音,底鼓,军鼓,帽子和乐器-所有这些都准备好供您喜欢的采样器使用。立即获取此工具箱,并开始制作您的下一个Hiphop产品! ’90’s Infused Hiphop’ from Function Loops delivers over 300MB of modern Hiphop sounds, infused with live instruments and old school vibes, making this pack super interesting and unique. Packed with Drum Loops, Melodic Loops, Music Loops, One Shots and MIDI files, everything 100% royalty-free. You will find Beats, Basslines, Guitars, Pianos, Sax, Synths and Vocals – perfect stash for any Hiphop producer. One Shots including Bass, Kicks, Snares, Hats and Instruments – all ready for you favorite samplers. Grab this toolbox now and start crafting your next Hiphop production! |
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