抒情乐句-康妮·柯莱特(CONNY KOLLET)是一种新型的声乐独奏乐器,用于令人印象深刻的电影配乐。 按下键盘上的单个键可以清晰,清晰地表达出具有天赋的音质和表达力。 创建任何类型的出色且充满活力的配乐从来没有像现在这样简单而有趣。
代替声乐时常会发出机械而微弱的持续音符,CONY KOLLET的抒情声乐短语具有纯净而感性的现场短语。 这些短语拥有只有艺术家才能表现出的魔幻般的纯净和灿烂的韵味,而赋予他们表演的自由,而不是仅仅表现出单独的单个音符。 易用性和对作品的即时情感影响将使您着迷。
LYRICAL VOCAL PHRASES – BY CONNY KOLLET is a new kind of vocal solo instrument for impressive cinematic soundtracks. Pressing a single key on your keyboard articulates a crystal-clear and celestial vocal phrase with unprecedented quality and expression. Never was it easier and more fun to create outstanding and energetic soundtracks of any kind.
Instead of sustained notes that often sound mechanically and inelegantly when it comes to vocal instruments, LYRICAL VOCAL PHRASES – BY CONNY KOLLET features pure and emotional live phrases. Those phrases hold the magical pureness and brilliant verve only an artist can deliver that is given the freedom of a performance instead of just delivering separated single notes. You will be fascinated by the ease of use and the instant emotional effect on your compositions.
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