喷火伦敦现代弦乐音源 Spitfire Audio London Contemporary Orchestra Strings KONTAKT 编曲音色库 暂无演示

喷火伦敦现代弦乐音源 Spitfire Audio London Contemporary Orchestra Strings KONTAKT 编曲音色库

¥8.8 金币
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    伦敦当代乐团弦乐库赋予你创作前沿室内弦乐作品所需的一切资源。在我们的弦乐系列库中独树一帜,它提供了捕捉这一极富创造力音乐家团队非常规演奏技巧及动人表演的工具。凭借超过100种前所未有的动态可控演奏法,此库提供了丰富多样的录音集,既高度可演奏又充满音乐性,让你得以接触他们广受欢迎的实验性音色调色板。该库由六把小提琴、四把中提琴、三把大提琴(含八度音)和两把低音提琴组成,所有乐器均在Spitfire总部紧密、干燥的录音室内由热门工程师Joe Rubel和Spitfire产品主管Stanley Gabriel精心录制,为你提供额外的控制力以及清脆的现代音色。


    步入伦敦当代乐团的世界,15名乐手演绎超过100种前沿演奏法,由Spitfire总部的干声舞台上的抢手工程师Joe Rubel和Spitfire产品负责人Stanley Gabriel录制。近年来,弦乐写作领域出现了一种转变,正迅速成为一种全球性运动,其基于创新技巧和演奏风格,目前可用的工具难以编程实现。我们重现了他们广受欢迎的工作坊方法,策划了一套深具多样性和最重要的是,可演奏的从未被采样的演奏法和演奏风格集合,终于让你有能力演示和创作尖端、复杂的弦乐作品——这类作品正在让有前途的作曲家在作曲领域获得赞誉。


    – 小提琴6把、中提琴4把、大提琴3把(含八度音)和低音提琴2把
    – 在紧凑、干燥的录音环境中录制,以实现额外控制和现代音效
    – 跨所有声部收录超过100种演奏法
    – 每个声部独有的“开放式弦音微调”乐器
    – 每种演奏法均配备:
    – 近距离和房间两种麦克风位置
    – 完整和加强两种独立立体声混音
    – 两种额外的模拟效果打印
    – 与房间匹配的集成混响,可在GUI上控制


    伦敦当代乐团在2015年皇家爱乐协会音乐奖中荣获合奏类别奖项,已成为世界上最具有创新性和最受尊敬的乐团之一,专注于委托和开发新音乐和配乐,并在全球范围内现场演出。乐团由联合艺术总监及指挥Robert Ames和Hugh Brunt于2008年成立,处于其领域的巅峰,与广泛多样的音乐家、创意人物和平台合作,包括Radiohead、Frank Ocean、Jed Kurzel、Steve Reich、William Basinski、Mica Levi、Actress、Arcade Fire、Goldfrapp、Beck、Foals、Nike、Secret Cinema、Boiler Room、NTS、Resident Advisor、Terry Riley、Hannah Perry和Vivienne Westwood。亮点包括在Roundhouse、Printworks、Tate Modern、Southbank Centre等地举办的售罄演出,《血色将至》现场版、备受好评的场地响应系列Imagined Occasions,以及BBC Radio 3的直播。该乐团在世界级电影和电视音乐的编排、录音和表演方面有着良好的记录,录制了如《大师》、《异形:契约》、《麦克白》、《魅影缝匠》、《刺客信条》、《你从未真的在这里》、《 McMafia》、《阴风阵阵》、《美国动物》、《月光男孩》、《血色将至》和《肌肤之下》等电影原声,且在Radiohead的2016年专辑《月形池》中大量出现。

    – 移除部分麦克风录音
    – 降低比特率至16位

    Spitfire Audio London Contemporary Orchestra Strings KONTAKT-MiNiFiED by NAPKiN | 21 June 2024 | 2.78 GB
    London Contemporary Orchestra Strings gives you everything you need to make cutting-edge chamber strings music. Unique among our String libraries, it offers you tools that capture the unconventional techniques and stunning performances of an extremely exciting group of musicians. With over 100 never-before-sampled, dynamically controllable articulations, this library provides a rich set of diverse recordings that are both ultra-playable and musical, giving you access to their widely sought after experimental palette. The library comprises six violins, four violas, three cellos and two basses, with the cellos in octaves, expertly recorded in a tight, dry studio at Spitfire HQ, giving you extra control and a crisp, modern sound.

    Over the last decade, the London Contemporary Orchestra has collaborated with a distinguished array of composers, artists and brands and are known for their long-time collaboration with Radiohead, as well as game-changing performance and arrangement credits on blockbuster scores including Moonlight, There Will Be Blood and Under the Skin.

    Step into the world of the London Contemporary Orchestra, 15 players performing over 100 cutting edge articulations, recorded on our dry stage at Spitfire HQ by in-demand engineer Joe Rubel and Spitfire’s Head of Product, Stanley Gabriel. In recent years, there has been a shift in string writing that is fast becoming a global movement, based on innovative techniques and performance styles notoriously impossible to program with the tools currently available. We recreated their popular workshop approach to curate a deeply versatile and most importantly, playable set of never-before-sampled articulations and playing styles that give you, at long last, the ability to demo and create cutting-edge, sophisticated string writing — the kind of work that is winning promising composers plaudits across the compositional landscape.

    From sharp and angular to sincere beauty, these upfront strings are designed to make you think differently about string writing. In collaboration with the London Contemporary Orchestra, we have embraced technology to deliver a unique set of tools and instruments you would never hear outside a sampler.

    6 Violins, 4 Violas, 3 Celli and 2 Basses, with the Celli in octaves
    Recorded in a tight, dry recording space, for extra control and a modern sound
    Over 100 articulations captured across all sections
    A unique ‘Detuned Open String’ instrument for each section
    For each articulation:

    2 mic positions, Close and Room
    2 individual stereo mixes, Full and Pumped
    2 additional, printed analogue FX
    Integrated reverb, matched to the room, with control on the GUI
    The members of the LCO became interested in collaborating with us when we started experimenting with our Evolutions libraries. Over a period of two years, we worked together to create a library unlike any other, capturing the unique techniques and performance styles of an extremely exciting group of musicians for use in our own compositions, and creating new instruments with them only be possible by harnessing the power of modern sampling technology.

    Winner of the Ensemble category at the Royal Philharmonic Society Music Awards in 2015, the London Contemporary Orchestra has established itself as one of the world’s most innovative and respected ensembles, focused on commissioning and developing new music and scores, and performing live all over the world. Formed in 2008 by co-Artistic Directors and conductors Robert Ames and Hugh Brunt, the LCO is at the top of their game, having collaborated with a wide array of musicians, creative figures and platforms, including Radiohead, Frank Ocean, Jed Kurzel, Steve Reich, William Basinski, Mica Levi, Actress, Arcade Fire, Goldfrapp, Beck, Foals, Nike, Secret Cinema, Boiler Room, NTS, Resident Advisor, Terry Riley, Hannah Perry and Vivienne Westwood. Highlights include sold-out performances at renowned venues such as the Roundhouse, Printworks, Tate Modern, Southbank Centre, There Will Be Blood: Live at the Barbican, the critically-acclaimed site-responsive series Imagined Occasions, and live broadcasts on BBC Radio 3. The orchestra has a strong arrangement, recording and performance record for world class film and television music, having recorded soundtracks such as The Master, Alien: Covenant, Macbeth, Phantom Thread, Assassins’ Creed, You Were Never Really Here, McMafia, Suspiria, American Animals, Moonlight, There Will Be Blood and Under the Skin, and featured heavily on Radiohead’s 2016 A Moon Shaped Pool.

    喷火音源 喷火弦乐 喷火kontakt音源 弦乐kontakt 弦乐音源


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