电音舞曲底鼓Akai MPC采样包/音源/工程模版 F9 Audio Snare! Argon Drums Vol. 2 编曲素材 暂无演示

电音舞曲底鼓Akai MPC采样包/音源/工程模版 F9 Audio Snare! Argon Drums Vol. 2 编曲素材

¥8.8 金币
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    WAV | AKAI MPC | Logic | EXS24 | Ableton | Bitwig | Kontakt | | Halion Sonic SE3 | 7GB


    创建一个单独的文件夹,用于整理庞大而丰富的 SNARE! 没有什么能让我们为这次旅程做好准备。它在 F9 重新定义了 “史诗 “一词。
    如果说有一种声音能让最老练、最有经验的制作人都感到恐惧,那一定是 – SNARE!

    当今市场上没有任何一款软件包能像 F9 SNARE! 一样,为您带来经过完美策划、专业制作、混音工程设计的小军鼓,适用于所有现代音乐类型。所有这些都收录在一个精心制作的文件夹中,可满足所有 DAW 用户以及使用无 DAW 设置的硬件发烧友的需求。

    原始音色是一回事,我们都有数不清的原始音色 – 本系列与众不同之处在于我们对每一个打击乐器都进行了可用于制作的处理。


    显然,现代史上一些最著名的小军鼓音色都来自模拟电路。Roland Corps 标志性的 808、909、606 和 CR78 是制作小军鼓的主力,但这是 F9,我们希望比以往更进一步。

    这也是我们制作这款音乐包的最复杂的部分之一,我们在兔子洞中采样了 400 多个合成小军鼓,每个小军鼓都有多达 8 个独立的循环击打!

    这不仅包括 Simmons SDS 系列和 Synare 等知名经典,还包括大量 Eurorack、物理模型和数字来源的合成军鼓。

    1047 个采样军鼓(33 个类别)
    462 个基于合成器的军鼓(采样轮唱)
    488 层音频文件
    357 个复古采样器重采样军鼓
    70+ 个补丁,适用于
    Logic Pro X 10.5.1 及以后版本(包括 M1/2 和所有现代 OSX 版本)
    EXS24 支持 Logic Pro 10.2.4 及以上版本
    Ableton 9.5 及以后版本(标准或套件)
    Ableton 11 及以后版本(标准版或套装版)/ Ableton 12(标准版或套装版)
    Bitwig 4.4 起
    Kontakt 5.8.1 及以后版本(需要完整版本)
    MPC V2.12 软件(包括 MPC beats – 这里免费)、所有独立 MPC 版本和 Akai Force
    Halion Sonic SE 3 及以后版本 ( 这里免费 )
    解剖 SNARE!

    F9 Audio Snare! Argon Drums Vol 2 Logic Pro X EXS24 Ableton Bitwig Kontakt MPC V2 Halion Sonic SE3 9th March 2024 | Wav
    Create a SINGLE FOLDER to organize a huge and expansive SNARE! collection across as many genres as humanly possible. Nothing could quite prepare us for the journey. It has re-defined the word ‘Epic’ at F9.
    If there is one sound that can strike fear into even the most seasoned and experienced producer it has to be – The SNARE!

    No other pack on the market today goes as far as F9 SNARE! to bring you a perfectly curated, expertly produced, mixed, and engineered collection of snare drums for all modern genres. All in a single carefully constructed folder that will cover every DAW user as well as hardware enthusiasts with DAW-less setups.
    The Difference –

    Raw sounds are one thing and we all have too many to count – What sets this collection apart is the production-ready processing we’ve applied to every single hit.
    This is a bold statement to make and is overused dramatically within marketing hype & hyperbole, but having just completed all of the work on the audio demos, we can say for absolute certain that these snares will cut through effortlessly and require a fraction of the processing you may be used to.

    All of this, even before you start utilizing the layer collection, the re-sampled, snares (carefully re-processed through a whole collection of vintage samplers), and certainly before you start layering the synth drums with the single shot collection.
    Because of the tonality and wide gamut of sound snare drums within, the options available with this pack will hopefully give you a creative edge in snare drum design for years to come.
    We’ve looked around and we’ve not found a single other pack dedicated to this instrument with this amount of power.

    Synthesizing Snares
    Obviously, some of the most famous snare drum sounds in modern history, come from analog circuitry. The Roland Corps iconic 808,909,606 and CR78 are production staples, but this is F9 and we wanted to go further than ever before.
    Most synthesized snare drums contain elements of filtered noise, alongside tonal parts hewn from free-running oscillators.

    This means that every hit is slightly unique. The only way to capture this level of movement in a sound is to sample multiple hits and cycle through them in a technique known as round-robin.
    This led us to one of the most involved and complex part of producing this pack, and we went right down the rabbit hole sampling more than 400 synthesized snare drums, with up to 8 separate round-robin hits EACH!

    This not only includes renowned classics, such as the Simmons SDS series and the Synare but a plethora of Eurorack, Physically modelled, and digitally sourced synth snares.
    These synth-based sounds can often be renowned for being much softer than digital hits that you we are all used to. Here, we have used an immense amount of analog hardware and digital post-processing to make sure that every single one of these analog sounds hit right and you are knowledgeable, it has never been done to this degree for any other collection

    This Pack Contains
    1047 Sampled Snares (in 33 Categories)
    462 Synth-Based Snares (Sampled Round Robin)
    488 Layer Audio Files
    357 Vintage Sampler Resampled Snares
    70+ Patches For:
    Logic Pro X 10.5.1 Onwards (including M1/2 and all modern OSX editions)
    EXS24 support for Logic Pro 10.2.4+
    Ableton 9.5 Onwards (Standard or Suite)
    Ableton 11 Onwards (Standard or Suite) / Ableton 12 (Standard or Suite)
    Bitwig 4.4 onwards
    Kontakt 5.8.1 Onwards (Full version required)
    MPC V2.12 software (including MPC beats – Free HERE ), all standalone MPC editions, and Akai Force
    Halion Sonic SE 3 Onwards ( Free HERE )
    Anatomy of the SNARE!


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