经典合成器插件合集21套 KORG Collection 5 v5.0.5 [WiN+MAC] 暂无演示

经典合成器插件合集21套 KORG Collection 5 v5.0.5 [WiN+MAC]

¥23.8 金币
  • 普通用户购买价格 : 23.8金币
  • SVIP会员购买价格 :0金币
  • 终身SVIP购买价格 : 免费
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  • Windows+MacOSX
  • 版本稳定好用


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  • 版本 | v5.0.5
    Win 10-11 | AAX | VST3 | 9.32GB
    Mac11.x-14.X | AU | VST3 | 12.96GB



    KAOSS PAD v1.1.0
    KORG ARP 2600 v1.0.5
    KORG ARP Odyssey v1.5.3
    KORG EP-1 v1.0.4
    KORG LegacyCell v1.0.8
    KORG M1 v2.4.1
    KORG MDE-X v2.4.1
    KORG microKORG v1.1.0
    KORG miniKORGv1.1.1
    KORG MonoPoly v2.4.2
    KORG MS-20 v2.4.2
    KORG Polysix v2.4.2
    KORG Prophecy v1.6.0
    KORG Software Modwave Native v1.2.7
    KORG Software Opsix Native v1.2.1
    KORG Software Wavestate Native v1.3.7
    KORG TRITON Extreme v1.1.1
    KORG TRITON v1.4.1
    KORG VOX Super Continental v1.0.4

    神奇的合成器声音,由 KORG 真实重现。永恒的终极软件合集。
    KORG 合集是一套软件合成器,系统且精确地重现了传奇 KORG 合成器的真实声音和特性,适用于当下及未来。KORG 合集项目始于诸如 MS-20 和 Polysix 等模拟模型,稳步发展,涵盖了诸如工作站经典 M1 和 TRITON 等数字模型,甚至包括著名的 Prophecy 的物理建模。
    – KORG 合集 – ARP 2600
    – KORG 合集 – EP-1
    – KORG 合集 – VOX Super Continental
    – KORG 合集 – microKORG
    – KORG 合集 – KAOSS PAD
    – KORG 合集 – miniKORG 700S
    – KORG 合集 – Prophecy
    – KORG 合集 – TRITON Extreme
    – KORG 合集 – TRITON
    – KORG 合集 – MS-20
    – KORG 合集 – Polysix
    – KORG 合集 – Mono/Poly
    – KORG 合集 – M1
    – KORG 合集 – MDE-X
    ARP 2600 v1.0.2 发布说明
    – 改进了Arpeggiator、Motion Sequencer 和 LFO 之间的同步。
    – 在Librarian中,即使对于当前对象类型不存在,也会显示当前选定的类别和集合过滤器,并可以清除这些过滤器。
    – 效果预设浏览器的过滤器现在在迷你和全效果编辑器之间保持同步。
    – 改进了激活的 Set List 的初始选择。
    – 在试用版中的“购买”按钮现在指向正确的URL。
    – 之前,创建到 ADSR/AR 和 AUX ENV Gate Source 或 Manual Start 的调制路由会导致崩溃。这个问题现已修复。


    EP-1 v1.0.4 发布说明
    – 在Librarian中,即使对于当前对象类型不存在,也会显示当前选定的类别和集合过滤器,并可以清除这些过滤器。
    – 效果预设浏览器的过滤器现在在迷你和全效果编辑器之间保持同步。
    – 改进了激活的 Set List 的初始选择。
    – 在试用版中的“购买”按钮现在指向正确的URL。
    – 之前,加载一个 Performance 时,如果 FX3 包含非混响的效果类型,它会被更改为混响类型并关闭。如果随后保存 Performance,则 FX3 的先前设置会丢失。这个问题现已修复。

    VOX Super Continental v1.0.2 发布说明
    – 在Librarian中,即使对于当前对象类型不存在,也会显示当前选定的类别和集合过滤器,并可以清除这些过滤器。
    – 效果预设浏览器的过滤器现在在迷你和全效果编辑器之间保持同步。
    – 改进了激活的 Set List 的初始选择。
    – 在试用版中的“购买”按钮现在指向正确的URL。
    Magic synth sounds, authentically re-created by KORG. The Ultimate Software Collection for the ages.
    The KORG Collection is a suite of software synthesizers that methodically and accurately recreates the authentic sound and behavior of legendary KORG synthesizers for the present day and beyond. The KORG Collection project began with analogue models such as the MS-20 and Polysix, and has steadily evolved to include digital models such as the workstation classics M1 and TRITON, and even physical modeling from the renowned Prophecy.

    Included Contents
    – KORG Collection – ARP 2600
    – KORG Collection – EP-1
    – KORG Collection – VOX Super Continental
    – KORG Collection – microKORG
    – KORG Collection – ELECTRIBE-R
    – KORG Collection – KAOSS PAD
    – KORG Collection – miniKORG 700S
    – KORG Collection – Prophecy
    – KORG Collection – TRITON Extreme
    – KORG Collection – TRITON
    – KORG Collection – ARP ODYSSEY
    – KORG Collection – MS-20
    – KORG Collection – Polysix
    – KORG Collection – Mono/Poly
    – KORG Collection – M1
    – KORG Collection – WAVESTATION
    – KORG Collection – MDE-X

    In 2024, KORG is adding three more internationally beloved instruments to the KORG Collection, each of which have left their mark on music history.

    First, the ARP 2600: a legendary, industry-changing synthesizer introduced in 1971 which had a stunning influence on jazz, rock, pop and funk in the 70s, and was featured in countless Hollywood movies. KORG faithfully recreated and reissued the ARP 2600 in 2020 as the ARP 2600 FS/ARP 2600M, ARP 2600 FS have been carefully modeled and reproduced for the KORG Collection.

    Second, the VOX Super Continental: This carefully modeled combo organ first appeared in the 1960s featuring extensively in music from the 1960s British Invasion era through to the ska and new wave scenes in 70s and 80s.

    Lastly the EP-1: The EP-1 models electric pianos that first appeared in the 1960s and have become beloved in the soul, jazz, pop music ever since then. This plugin is based on the MDS (Multi-Dimensional Synthesis) technology developed for Korg’s renowned KRONOS and NAUTILUS synthesizers.
    ARP 2600 v1.0.2 Release Notes
    Improved synchronization between Arpeggiator, Motion Sequencer, and LFO.
    In the Librarian, the currently selected Category and Collection filters are shown – and can be cleared – even if they do not exist for the current object type.
    Filters for Effect Preset browsers now stay in sync between mini and full effects editors.
    Improvements to initial selection of the active Set List.
    The “Buy” button in the demo version now leads to the correct URL.
    Previously, creating a modulation routing to ADSR/AR and AUX ENV Gate Source or Manual Start caused a crash. This has now been fixed.

    EP-1 v1.0.2 Release Notes
    In the Librarian, the currently selected Category and Collection filters are shown – and can be cleared – even if they do not exist for the current object type.
    Filters for Effect Preset browsers now stay in sync between mini and full effects editors.
    Improvements to initial selection of the active Set List.
    The “Buy” button in the demo version now leads to the correct URL.
    Previously, when a Performance was loaded, if FX3 contained a non-reverb Effect Type, it was changed to a Reverb Type and turned off. If the Performance was then saved, the previous settings for FX3 would be lost. This has now been fixed.

    VOX Super Continental v1.0.2 Release Notes
    In the Librarian, the currently selected Category and Collection filters are shown – and can be cleared – even if they do not exist for the current object type.
    Filters for Effect Preset browsers now stay in sync between mini and full effects editors.
    Improvements to initial selection of the active Set List.
    The “Buy” button in the demo version now leads to the correct URL.


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