MPC Expansion – XPN | WAV | 2.5GB
MPC扩展包:模拟器 – 120个标志性的低音、主旋律和合成器
八位和一兆字节的内存听起来并不吸引人,但对于E-Mu的Emulator II来说,这是它成为当时最成功的采样器之一的原因,同时也影响了无数制作人。在我们最新的Zampler包中,我们采样了E-II的120种最具魅力的乐器,其粗糙的声音和迷幻的循环能够穿透每一个混音。
1.4 GB的内容
与Akai独立型号MPC One、X、Live、Live mkII、Force以及Touch、Renaissance、MPC Beats和软件兼容
Beat MPC Expansion Emulator XPN
MPC Expansion: EMULATOR – 120 iconic basses, leads & synths
Eight Bit and one meg of memory doesn’t sound very appealing, but for E-Mu’s Emulator II it was a reason to advance to one of the most succesful samplers of its time, while influencing countless producers. For our latest Zampler pack we sampled 120 of E-II’s most charismatic instruments, cutting through every mix with their gritty sound and hypnotic loops.
Product details:
1,4 GB of content
600 samples
120 keygroup programs
Audio previews
Compatible with Akai standalone models MPC One, X, Live, Live mkII, Force, as well as Touch, Renaissance, MPC Beats and Software
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