罗兰钢琴乐器插件 Roland Cloud EARTH Piano v1.0.1 [MAC] 暂无演示

罗兰钢琴乐器插件 Roland Cloud EARTH Piano v1.0.1 [MAC]

¥12.8 金币
  • 普通用户购买价格 : 12.8金币
  • SVIP会员购买价格 :0金币
  • 终身SVIP购买价格 : 免费
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  • Windows+MacOSX
  • 版本稳定好用


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  • 版本 | v1.0.1
    Mac11.x-新系统 | AU | VST | VST3 | 1.42GB


    EARTH Piano 将 Roland 广受赞誉的钢琴音色技术引入计算机制作工作流程,通过直观的用户界面提供多种可自定义的原声钢琴类型和深度,仅在 Roland Cloud 中提供。

    自 1973 年推出开创性的 EP-10 以来,Roland 一直致力于推动钢琴设计的向前发展,并为所有音乐家扩展乐器的边界。EARTH Piano 采用 Roland 最好、最现代的钢琴音色技术,将精细的多重采样与独家建模技术相结合,带来了完美的真实感和演奏性。凭借令人难以置信的自然音色、宽广的动态范围和引人入胜的响应,为从私密独奏到复杂制作提供了一个可以充分激发灵感的平台。







    采用先进的卷积技术,可将钢琴放置在9 种不同空间中

    内置多种录音室级别的效果,具有 90 种效果组合

    100 多个精心制作的预设,涵盖古典、爵士摇滚氛围音乐等所有风格

    探索极富表现力的钢琴音色世界。50 多年来,罗兰一直是电子钢琴技术的先驱。通过创新的 EARTH Piano,我们将丰富的研发历史融入到现代软件乐器中。EARTH Piano 提供多种钢琴类型,并能定制和塑造每种类型,以令人惊叹的深度、维度和细节实现了这一重要乐器令人回味的音效和创造力。

    → 亮点
    – 用于制作和演奏的顶级钢琴软件工具
    – 先进的罗兰钢琴音效技术,带来极致的逼真度和表现力
    – 七种钢琴类型,包括三角钢琴、立式钢琴、毛毡钢琴、玩具钢琴等
    – 简洁高效的用户界面,可快速选择音色并进行直观编辑
    – 可自由调节钢琴盖位置
    – 控制琴弦、箱体、琴键关闭和共鸣,实现逼真音效
    – 调整触键和踏板噪音,注入自然特性
    – 八种调性类型,单音控制调音、音量和特性
    – 探索 100 多种精心制作的预置,涵盖古典、爵士、摇滚和氛围音乐等各种类型
    – 场地空间模拟器、录音室级均衡器和动态效果,以及 90 多种多重效果预置

    具有划时代意义的 EP-10 是 Roland 于 1973 年推出的首款电子钢琴。从那时起,我们就不断改进和完善我们的工艺,创造出更具表现力、更加逼真的乐器之王。从 70 年代和 80 年代的模拟振荡器和数字合成设计,到 21 世纪先进的 V-Piano 建模,我们一直致力于推动钢琴设计向前发展,并为现代音乐家扩展钢琴的使用范围。

    EARTH Piano 为您的音乐带来最好、最现代的罗兰钢琴音效技术。我们采用先进的方法,将详细的多重采样与专有的建模技术相结合,实现了逼真度与可演奏性的完美融合。EARTH 钢琴的音色极其自然,动态范围宽广,响应极富感染力,从私密的独奏表演到密集的大型制作,它都能为您提供一个鼓舞人心的平台。

    对大多数人来说,三角钢琴是钢琴的典型代表。但是,钢琴有很多种,有真实的,也有想象中的,每种钢琴都有自己的位置,这取决于音乐背景。EARTH Piano 拥有七种各具特色的乐器,可以根据个人喜好进行改装。有适合爵士乐和古典风格的嘹亮三角钢琴,有适合录音室曲目的光鲜亮丽的钢琴,还有适合现代流行乐、电子乐和电影制作的充满气氛和活力的立式钢琴、毛毡钢琴和玩具钢琴。

    ✓ 经典三角钢琴

    这是一款以开创性的 V-Piano 三角钢琴为基础的均衡、多用途钢琴。


    ✓ 全银色

    ✓ 自然直立式

    ✓ 天然毛毡立式钢琴


    声学钢琴有许多共鸣行为,从箱体振动到琴弦以无穷无尽的组合共鸣所产生的复杂泛音。这些都有助于形成乐器独特的音色和独特的演奏体验。EARTH Piano 可让你为每种类型的钢琴单独调节所有这些特性,创造出恰到好处的音色和反应,激发你的音乐灵感。

    原声钢琴的演奏体验还包括细微的机械噪音,例如琴键松开时琴槌的复位声和踏板操作时产生的细微砰砰声。这些噪音对我们对声音或音乐部分的反应起着重要作用。有了 EARTH Piano,你可以轻松控制这些噪音,让钢琴从吱吱作响的清脆音到充满有机特性的悦耳音。

    如果你喜欢修修补补,EARTH Piano 可以满足你的需求。共有八种音调,以及立体声宽度、动态范围和包络控制。你甚至可以调整每个琴键的调音、音量和特性。所有或任何这些细节都可用于完善传统钢琴音色或开拓新的音域。

    利用 EARTH Piano 的场地效果,为你的声音创造一个独特的空间。利用先进的卷积技术,“场地 ”效果可让你将钢琴置于九个不同的空间中,这些空间来自真实的地点,如宽敞的大教堂、世界级的音乐厅或私密的录音室或休息室。您甚至可以通过点击可视显示屏来改变聆听视角。高品质算法混响也可用于标准混音应用。

    利用 EARTH Piano 集成的录音室级特效套件,调制出恰到好处的音色。利用强大的三段均衡器塑造整体音色。然后使用压缩器及其多功能 FET、光学和 VCA 模式,为演奏或音轨创建理想的动态响应。

    90 多种多重效果预置可增强音效。
    借助 ZENOLOGY FX 插件的强大功能,EARTH Piano 拥有 90 多种效果组合,可将传统钢琴音色带入新的领域。你可以尝试使用 mod、延迟和滤波器效果,获得从微妙的色彩到身临其境的氛围和低保真质感等各种效果。或者使用循环器、音位粉碎器、音高偏移器等进行疯狂尝试。
    – macOS 12.0 或更高版本
    – 苹果硅或英特尔酷睿处理器
    Explore a World Of Expressive Piano Sounds. For more than 50 years, Roland has continually pioneered electronic piano technology. With the innovative EARTH Piano, we’ve packed our extensive research and development history into a modern software instrument. Offering multiple piano types and the ability to customize and shape each one, EARTH Piano realizes the evocative sound and creative power of this vital instrument with stunning depth, dimension, and detail.

    → Highlights:
    • Premier piano software instrument for production and performance
    • Advanced Roland piano sound technology for the ultimate in realism and expression
    • Seven piano types, including concert grand, upright, felt, toy, and more
    • Clean and efficient UI for fast sound selection and intuitive editing
    • Freely adjustable piano lid position
    • Control string, cabinet, key off, and sympathetic resonances for lifelike sound
    • Adjust key off and pedal noise to inject natural characteristics
    • Eight temperament types and single-note control over tuning, volume, and character
    • Explore over 100 expertly crafted presets covering everything from classical and jazz to rock and ambient
    • Venue space simulator, studio-grade EQ and dynamics, and over 90 multi-effects presets

    Piano evolution.
    The groundbreaking EP-10, Roland’s first electronic piano, was released in 1973. We’ve evolved and refined our process ever since, creating ever more expressive and lifelike renditions of the king of all instruments. From the analog oscillator and digital synthesis designs of the ’70s and ’80s to the advanced V-Piano modeling of the 21st century, we’ve remained dedicated to moving piano design forward and extending the instrument’s range for modern musicians.

    Advanced modeling techniques come together.
    EARTH Piano brings the best and most modern Roland piano sound technology to your music. Our advanced approach combines detailed multi-sampling with proprietary modeling techniques for the perfect blend of realism and playability. With its incredibly natural sound, wide dynamic range, and engaging response, EARTH Piano provides an inspiring platform for everything from intimate solo performances to dense full-scale productions.

    From majestic grands to felt uprights. And even a toy.
    For most, the concert grand is the archetype piano instrument. But there are many kinds of pianos—both real and imagined—and each has its place depending on the musical context. EARTH Piano features seven distinctive instruments that can be modified to taste. There are resonant concert grands for jazz and classical styles, polished and punchy pianos for studio tracks, and upright, felt, and toy pianos filled with atmosphere and vibe for modern pop, electronic, and cinematic productions.

    ✓ Classic Grand
    This majestic, European-style grand is perfect for classical music and other styles that call for a big, clear, full-range piano.

    ✓ Session Grand
    A balanced and versatile piano based on the groundbreaking V-Piano Grand.

    ✓ Artist Grand
    From rich, open chords to intimate voicings, this American-style grand delivers characterful tones for jazz and other instrumental music styles.

    ✓ All Silver
    This fantasy model imagines what a piano would sound like with all silver strings. The result is transcendent.

    ✓ Natural Upright
    Sometimes, only the focused sound of an upright will do. Perfect for a wide range of contemporary styles, this model offers a wonderful alternative to the sound of a grand piano.

    ✓ Natural Felt Upright
    Pianos treated with felt cloth between the hammers and strings produce a softer sound that’s super-intimate and emotional. They’re increasingly popular in contemporary music and media composition, making this selection indispensable for modern creators.

    ✓ Toy Piano
    From whimsical passages to creepy cinematic moments, the tiny sound of a toy piano is vital to any composer’s toolbox. Meticulously recorded, this miniature favorite brings a unique flavor that’s instantly recognizable.

    Sound that resonates.
    An acoustic piano has many resonant behaviors, from cabinet vibrations to the complex overtones produced by the strings ringing sympathetically in endless combinations. These all contribute to an instrument’s distinctive sound and unique playing experience. EARTH Piano lets you adjust all these characteristics individually for every piano type, creating just the right tone and response to inspire your music.

    Bring the noise.
    The acoustic piano experience also includes subtle mechanical noises, such as the hammers resetting when keys are released and the delicate thumps produced when pedals are operated. These noises play a big part in how we respond to a sound or musical part. With EARTH Piano, you can easily control them for pianos that go from squeaky clean to full of organic character.

    Tune and tweak.
    If you’re someone who likes to tinker, EARTH Piano has you covered. There are eight types of temperament, plus stereo width, dynamic range, and envelope controls. You can even adjust each key’s tuning, volume, and character. All or any of these details can be used to refine conventional piano sounds or journey into new sonic territory.

    Choose your Venue.
    Create a unique space for your sound with EARTH Piano’s Venue effect. Using advanced convolution techniques, Venue lets you place your piano in nine different spaces derived from real locations, such as a spacious cathedral, a world-class concert hall, or an intimate studio or lounge setting. You can even change the listening perspective with a click on the visual display. High-quality algorithmic reverbs are also available for standard mixing applications.

    Shape tone and dynamics with studio effects.
    Dial in just the right sound with EARTH Piano’s integrated suite of studio-grade effects. Shape the overall tone with the powerful three-band EQ. Then use the compressor and its versatile FET, optical, and VCA modes to create the ideal dynamic response for a performance or a track.

    Enhance your sound with over 90 multi-effects presets.
    Leveraging the power of our ZENOLOGY FX plug-in, EARTH Piano features more than 90 effects combinations to take conventional piano sounds into unexplored territories. Experiment with mod, delay, and filter effects for everything from subtle coloration to immersive ambient and lo-fi textures. Or go for all-out insanity with loopers, bit crushers, pitch shifters, and more.
    Supported Operation System:
    • macOS 12.0 or later
    • Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor



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