Panorama Guitars 是一款基于 Kontakt Player 的虚拟乐器,它源于对后摇和自赏乐队吉他质感的热爱,这些声音在过去三十年中激发了大量媒体音乐的创作。
它封装了这些标志性的声音,准备让您使用我们定制的 Aria 引擎来塑造,这款多功能且具有电影感的现代后摇吉他乐器能够无缝融入流行、摇滚、低保真嘻哈以及任何需要纯净清晰或松脆吉他音色的项目。
Panorama Guitars 提供了一系列引人入胜且氛围感十足的吉他质感和音景。从令人难忘的琶音和感人的忧郁旋律到温暖而富有灵魂的音色,这些乐器为您的作品增添了电影般的深度,丰富了您的创作并吸引听众。
最棒的是,这款虚拟乐器无所不包;导入您自己的样本,并利用 Aria 引擎广泛的控制和效果来创造您自己广阔而独特的音色调色板。
我们还与实验氛围艺术家 Elif Yalvac 合作,她独特的方法为 Panorama Guitars 注入了前卫的质感和氛围音景,为您提供了多样化的音色调色板来探索。
Aria 引擎
Panorama Guitars 的核心是我们定制的 Aria 引擎,它充满了调制可能性和表现力效果,以及扭曲您自己样本的方法。
从 “Ambient Trem”、“Huge Wash” 和 “Shimmer Pulse” 到 “Post Rock Fuzz”、“Crusty Ambience”、“Lo-Fi Junky” 等多样的声音开始浏览。为两个可用的插槽选择一个,并使用直观的集成 XY 垫创建不断发展的质感和音景。
通过叠加或交叉淡化发音,添加两个独立滤波器,并分配任何参数由 X 或 Y 轴控制:限制是您的创造力。
尝试使用 FX
使用三个效果插槽和令人印象深刻的效果面板进一步塑造您的音频,效果面板会根据选择的特效进行调整 – 尝试不同的组合并轻松微调您的声音。
通过录制您自己的 XY 动作,存储它们作为预设并调整播放速度来捕捉您独特的艺术表达。更重要的是,您甚至可以导入您自己的样本,以实现无限的创造力!
– 完全 NKS 集成:与 Native Instruments 的 Komplete Kontrol 和 Maschine 硬件无缝集成
– 大量内容库:超过 5GB 的精心采样内容
– 多样化的音色来源:由五款经典电吉他、一把低音吉他和一把电贝司演奏,通过四个高级放大器和各种踏板精心制作的 40 种音色来源集合
– 高端捕捉:在顶级录音室录制,使用多个高端麦克风和前级确保完美音质
– 广泛的预设库:附带 50 个专业制作的预设,以启动您的创造力
– 由 Aria 引擎驱动:在我们强大且灵活的 Aria 引擎中托管,为您提供直观的控制和无尽的音色塑造可能性
需要 Native Instruments Kontakt Player 或 Kontakt FULL v7.7 及以上版本!
Guitars Are Meant To Tell Stories…
Panorama Guitars is a Kontakt Player virtual instrument born from a love of the guitar textures of post-rock and shoegaze acts, sounds that have inspired a plethora of music for media in the last three decades.
Encapsulating these iconic sounds ready for you to shape using our bespoke Aria engine, this versatile and cinematic modern post-rock guitar instrument is capable of fitting seamlessly into pop, rock, lo-fi hip-hop, and any project that requires pristine clean or crunchy guitar tones.
Panorama Guitars offers a captivating tapestry of evocative and atmospheric guitar textures and soundscapes. From haunting arpeggios and moving melancholy melodies to warm and soulful tones, these instruments add layers of cinematic depth to enrich your compositions and mesmerise your listeners.
Best of all, this virtual instrument knows no bounds; import your own Samples and utilise the Aria engine’s extensive controls and effects to create your own vast and distinct palette of sounds.
The Recordings
We meticulously deep-sampled five classic electric guitar models, a beautiful baritone guitar, and a stunning electric bass.
Each instrument was played through a curated selection of guitar amps and pedals and captured with high-end microphones and preamplifiers to ensure the highest fidelity.
We also collaborated with experimental ambient artist Elif Yalvac whose unique approach has infused Panorama Guitars with avant-garde textures and ambient soundscapes, providing you with a diverse palette of sounds to explore.
The Aria Engine
At the heart of Panorama Guitars lies our bespoke Aria Engine which is full of modulation possibilities and expressive effects as well as ways to mangle your own samples.
Get started by browsing a diverse array of sounds from ‘Ambient Trem’, ‘Huge Wash’ and ‘Shimmer Pulse’ to ‘Post Rock Fuzz’, ‘Crusty Ambience’, ‘Lo-Fi Junky’ and many more. Pick one for each of the two available slots and create ever evolving textures and soundscapes using the intuitive integrated XY pad.
Go further by layering or crossfading articulations, add two independent filters and assign any parameter to be controlled by either the X or Y axis: the limit is your creativity.
Experiment With FX
Shape your audio further with three effects slots and an impressive FX panel which adjusts according to the effect selected – experiment with different combinations and fine-tune your sounds with ease.
Import Your Own Sounds
Capture your unique artistic expression by recording your own XY motions, store them as presets and adjust their playback speed. What’s more, you can even import your own samples for limitless creativity!
Key Features
– Full NKS Integration: Seamlessly integrates with Native Instruments’ Komplete Kontrol and Maschine hardware
– Massive Content Library: Over 5GB of meticulously sampled content
– Diverse Sound Sources: A collection of 40 sound sources crafted from five classic electric guitars, a baritone, and an electric bass, all played through four premium amplifiers and a wide array of pedals
– High-End Capture: Recorded in a top-tier studio with several high-end microphones and preamps to ensure impeccable sound quality
– Expansive Preset Library: Comes with 50 expertly crafted presets to kickstart your creativity
– Powered by the Aria Engine: Hosted in our powerful and flexible Aria engine, providing you with intuitive controls and endless sound-shaping possibilities
Requires Native Instruments Kontakt Player or Kontakt FULL v7.7 and higher!
后摇音源 后摇kontakt音色
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