版本 | v8.2.0
Win 10-11 | VST | VST3 | 1.57GB
Mac11.x-新系统 | AU | VST | VST3 | 3.23GB
注意:此 kontakt8 位完整版,但不含任何音源,音源请根据自己需求在网站单独下载入库!
Imagine any sound – Kontakt lets you find it, create it, and transform it. The latest edition of our revolutionary sampling platform combines a brand-new set of intelligent tools with countless sound design options, redefining how you generate ideas and make music. A huge choice of sound. Kontakt hosts the world’s largest range of virtual instruments. With thousands of libraries, it’s the gateway to quality sound from Native Instruments, our official partners, and scores of indie developers. Plus, everything is completely tweakable, so you can make any sound your own.
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- 下载时请不要断网或者暂停! 下载好,MAC用keka解压;WiN用winrar解压!网站可以免费下载这个两个压缩工具! 如遇到需要解压密码的文件,密码为www.pluginsbase.com或者yyrlom.taobao.com或者yuyinraoliangom或者yyrlom
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- 本站所有资源版权均属于原作者所有,这里所提供资源均只能用于参考学习用,请勿直接商用。若由于商用引起版权纠纷,一切责任均由使用者承担。更多说明请参考 VIP介绍。