版本 | v1.6.1
Win 10-11 | VST | VST3 | 34MB
Half Light 推出了一款独特的“特性混响”插件 Taped Spaces。这款创新的软件,设计有七种独特的模式,旨在提供超越传统“湿”混响的独特声音,模仿通过老式磁带录音机处理的混响声音。
Taped Spaces 是 Half Light 的第一款完整的插件,继他们 Kontakt 乐器成功之后,包括 The Dust Bowl Piano、Lo 和 The Ekotape Piano。这款插件的开发目的是为音乐创作者提供混响效果的即时氛围。它通过模拟高质量数字混响通过老式磁带录音机,从而创造出自然而神秘的混响声音。
Taped Spaces 的七种独特模式各有特色,使音乐创作者能够轻松实现他们的声音目标。该插件已经赢得了专业制作人、混音师和词曲作者的赞誉。值得注意的是,2x 铂金级词曲作者 Josh Williams、制作人兼混音师 Matt Scatchell、制作人 Gabe Wax 和制作人 Jake Weinberg 都是这款插件的早期采用者。
关于 Half Light:由作曲家兼开发者 David Riddle 和 Mitchell Schneider 组成,Half Light 是一家位于田纳西州纳什维尔的音乐和音乐软件双人组。除了他们的音乐软件,Half Light 还以独立音乐作曲双人组的名义发布气势磅礴的器乐作品。到目前为止,他们的作品已在在线平台上累积超过 100 万次播放。
Half Light has launched Taped Spaces, a unique ‘character reverb’ plugin. This innovative software, designed with seven distinct modes, aims to provide a unique sound beyond the typical ‘wet’ reverb, emulating the sound of reverb processed through vintage reel to reel tape.
Taped Spaces is the first full-fledged plugin from Half Light, following the success of their Kontakt instruments, including The Dust Bowl Piano, Lo, and The Ekotape Piano. The plugin was developed with the intent of providing music creators with an instant vibe for their reverb effects. It was crafted by modeling high-quality digital reverb bussed through reel to reel tape, resulting in a natural yet mysterious sounding reverb.
Each of the seven unique modes of Taped Spaces has its own distinct flair, enabling music creators to effortlessly achieve their sonic goals. The plugin has already garnered acclaim from professional producers, mixers, and songwriters. Notably, 2x Platinum songwriter Josh Williams, producer & mixer Matt Scatchell, producer Gabe Wax, and producer Jake Weinberg are among the early adopters of the plugin.
About Half Light: Comprised of composers and developers David Riddle and Mitchell Schneider, Half Light is a music and music software duo based in Nashville, Tennessee. In addition to their music software, Half Light also releases sweeping instrumental pieces as an independent music composition duo. To date, their compositions have amassed over 1 million streams across online platforms. Their full music repertoire can be found at halflightmusic.co, and their software can be found at halflightaudio.co.
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