将你的制作注入尤克里里和夏朗戈的振奋音调。Session Ukulele包含充满活力的和弦、欢快的拨弦和真实的模式,非常适合为令人愉悦的流行曲、广告音乐和各种作品奠定基础或添加装饰性的触点。可以保持传统风格,也可以通过各种效果和控制选项释放创造力。
Session Ukulele是一款包含了萨克斯乌克丽丽、小号乌克丽丽和查芒戈等多种乐器的综合采样库。
Session Ukulele的声音是从夏威夷和玻利维亚的工艺大师手工制作的乐器中精心捕捉而来的。无论你想要明亮愉悦的萨克斯乌克丽丽的音色,温暖共鸣的小号乌克丽丽的音色,还是生动独特的查芒戈的音色,每个乐器都有自己独特的声音预设和模式,增强了它们独特的特点。
可与:免费的KONTAKT PLAYER 7.6版本或KONTAKT 7.6版本及更高版本一起使用。
Session Ukulele KONTAKT
Virtual ukulele instrument
Explore three different instruments: soprano and tenor ukulele, plus charango
Craft your own melodies or build ideas from 385 playable strumming and picking patterns
Shape your sound using a range of microphones, effects, and controls
The sounds of ukulele and charango
Infuse your productions with the uplifting tones of ukulele and charango. Packing vibrant chords, playful plucks, and authentic patterns, Session Ukulele is perfect for laying the foundations or adding decorative touches to feel-good pop hits, jingles, and everything in between. Keep it traditional or let your creativity run free with a range of effects and controls.
Session Ukulele is a comprehensive sample library featuring soprano ukulele, tenor ukulele and charango.
Switch between melody articulations, patterns, and slides using the intuitive color coded keyboard mapping.
choose from an extensive range of song presets packed with tailored patterns and effects.
Combine authentic patterns with your own melodies to create intricate and realistic parts.
Push your tone further with creative modulation effects, studio-grade compressors, custom EQ presets, new lo-fi pedals, plus reverbs and delays.
Three different microphone setups, a doubling switch, and a range of real-time controls help your parts sit perfectly in the mix.
Three handcrafted instruments
The sounds of Session Ukulele were meticulously captured from instruments hand built by master luthiers in Hawaii and Bolivia. Whether you’re after the bright and cheerful tones of the soprano ukulele, the warmth and resonance of the tenor, or the lively and distinct character of the charango, each instrument packs its own set of sound presets and patterns that enhance their unique aspects.
Two ways to play
Craft your own melodies note-by-note or explore 385 patterns brought to life by the new improved strumming algorithm. Song presets make it simple to switch between patterns mid-performance, while the engine will automatically select the most natural sounding chord inversions. You can also drag and drop patterns into your DAW for further editing.
Sculpt your sound
Dial in ultra-realistic parts with three types of finger vibrato, resonance controls, fret noises, and an array of authentic articulation options. Choose between one dynamic and two condenser microphone setups and add instant width with the doubling switch. Refine your sound further with studio-grade delay, reverb, and modulation effects, compression, custom EQ presets, and brand-new lo-fi effects.
At a glance
Product type: KOMPLETE Instrument
For use with: Free KONTAKT PLAYER version 7.6 or KONTAKT version 7.6 and higher.
Sound category: Soprano ukulele, tenor ukulele, and charango sample library
Number of sounds: 385 patterns, 89 songs
Download size: 13.60 GB
System requirements: Free KONTAKT PLAYER version 7.6 or KONTAKT version 7.6 and higher.
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