WAV | 728MB
In Depth 深度
The Multitracks pack contains full length unmixed multitracks of every track, with separate wavs for all the different mics used on the kit. This pack is great if you want full control over the sound over the kit.MultiTracks Pack包含每个轨道的全长Unmixed MultiTracks,并为套件上使用的所有不同MIC提供单独的WAV。如果您想完全控制套件上的声音,则此包会很棒。
The Stems and Mixes pack contains stems of typically the kick, kit and room mics, along with both a professionally mixed stereo track. Perfect if you want some control over the mixing process, along with a full length professionally mixed drum track ready to go.茎和混合包装包含通常的脚踢,套件和麦克风的茎,以及两种专业混合的立体声轨道。如果您想对混合过程进行一些控制权,以及准备出发的全长专业混合式鼓轨道,则非常完美。
The Loops Pack contains stereo mixes of all the tracks, broken down into separate grooves and fills. These are ready-to-go loops perfect for loading straight into your track without any need for mixing or processing.环包包含所有轨道的立体声混合物,分解成单独的凹槽和填充。这些是即时循环,非常适合直接加载到您的轨道中,而无需进行混合或处理。
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