这是 Claire 大钢琴实验性续作的一部分——现在可以以特别捆绑价 199.00 美元同时获得两者。
通过非传统的技术捕捉到的独特声音,包括刷弦音、阻尼单弦音、泛音等更多效果。使用 Particles 引擎和新的 Patterns Tool 预设,激发不断演变的音效涟漪。
Claire: Avant 不仅仅是一台普通的钢琴。它在打开盖子的状态下录制,捕捉到了传统钢琴插件所隐藏的低语、回声和原始纹理。从金属敲击声到细腻的钢琴滴答声,从深沉的低音到高质感音色,每一个声音都邀请你尝试新事物。揭开刮擦、敲击、拨弦和阻尼音色,这些音色非常适合电影配乐、实验性制作等更多用途。
NI Claire Avant v1.0.0 KONTAKT
Avant-garde piano tones
The experimental sequel to the Claire grand piano – get both together, at a special bundle price of US$ 199.00
Unique sounds captured through unconventional techniques, including brushed tones, damped una corda, flageolet, and much more
Spark ripples of evolving textures with the Particles engine and new Patterns Tool presets
A piano’s hidden secrets
Claire: Avant isn’t just another piano. Recorded with the lid off, it captures the whispers, echoes, and raw textures that traditional piano plugins hide. From metallic hits to delicate piano droplets, deep basses to high-grit tones, each sound invites you to try something new. Uncover scraped, struck, plucked, and dampened tones that are perfect for film scores, experimental productions, and beyond.
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