版本 | v1.0
Win 10-11 | AAX | VST3 | 909MB
Mac11.x-新系统 | AAX | AU | VST3 | 1.1GB
深入声音的核心,体验 Polyscape Nova 虚拟乐器:广阔的音景、变化的小提琴声和现代的垫音定义了我们顶级合成器的这款超级增强版。从氛围耳语到脉动电子节奏,再到充满情感的电影配乐,你可以创作出各种音乐,从中汲取灵感的是标志性的 80 年代和 90 年代的声音以及现代电影叙事。借助全新的 DSP 效果、虚拟模拟组件等,Polyscape Nova 邀请你重塑声音的边界!
Dive into the heart of sound with Polyscape Nova virtual instrument: expansive soundscapes, transformed cellos, and contemporary pads define this supercharged edition of our top synthesizer. Craft everything from ambient whispers to pulsating electronic rhythms and emotive cinematic scores, drawing inspiration from iconic ’80s and ’90s sounds as well as modern film narratives. With fresh new DSP effects, virtual analog components, and more, Polyscape Nova invites you to reshape the boundaries of sound!
1. Just Install
2. Pick a key from Keys.txt file
Enjoy this unpatched release and thanks to anonymous supplier and Technician1 for uploading it a few
months ago.
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