13套如歌管弦乐音源 Chris Hein Orchestra Complete KONTAKT 弦乐/铜管/木管/交响乐 暂无演示

13套如歌管弦乐音源 Chris Hein Orchestra Complete KONTAKT 弦乐/铜管/木管/交响乐

¥15.8 金币
  • 普通用户购买价格 : 15.8金币
  • SVIP会员购买价格 :0金币
  • 终身SVIP购买价格 : 免费
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  • Windows+MacOSX
  • 版本稳定好用


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  • KONTAKT | 190GB



    🎵  Solo Strings Extended v2.0 (包含以下)
    Solo Violin Extended v2.0 (9.41GB)
    Solo Viola Extended v2.0 (5.53GB)
    Solo Cello Extended v2.0 (8.89GB)
    Solo Contrabass Extended v2.0 (4.86GB)



    🎵  Ensemble Strings (35.2GB)
    🎵  Strings Compact (24.5GB)
    🎵  Orchestral Brass Extended v2.0 (24.5GB)
    🎵  Horns Pro Complete (46.8GB)



    🎵  Orchestral Winds Complete v2.0 (包含以下)
    Winds Vol 1 v2.0 (6.53GB)
    Winds Vol 2 v2.0 (5.85GB)
    Winds Vol 3 v2.0 (3.91GB)
    Winds Vol 4 v2.0 (4.95GB)
    Winds Vol 5 (9.68GB)


    Complete collection of Chris Hein´s Orchestra Instruments克里斯·海因(Chris Hein)的乐团乐器的完整集合

    For the ultimate in symphonic realism, this exceptional bundle features solo and ensemble strings, brass and woodwinds ready to take your orchestral productions beyond the box. All of these orchestral libraries were created with one thing in mind – playability. Whether you prefer to play right out of the box or spend your time crafting the perfect combination of articulation, note head and reverb, you’ll find what you need within Chris Hein Orchestra Complete.对于交响现实主义的终极,这个出色的捆绑包具有独奏和合奏弦,黄铜和木管乐器,准备将您的管弦乐队制作带到盒子之外。所有这些管弦乐图书馆都是牢记一件事的可玩性创建的。无论您是想在开箱即用,还是花时间制作发音的完美组合,注意头和混响,您都会在Chris Hein Orchestra完整的过程中找到所需的东西。

    Content Overview内容概述

    • Chris Hein Orchestral Winds library features 13 deeply sampled flutes. clarinets, oboes and bassoon. With over 30GB of sample content, 14 articulations and up to 8 dynamic layers these woodwinds shine in the mix. True scale runs, dynamic sustains and intelligent legato all combine to make these woodwinds the most detailed sample collection on the planet.克里斯·海因(Chris Hein)管弦乐队图书馆具有13个深度抽样的长笛。单簧管,Oboes和Bassoon。这些木管乐器在混合物中散发出超过30GB的样品含量,14个发音和多达8个动态层。真正的尺度运行,动态维持力和智能腿部都结合在一起,使这些木管乐器成为地球上最详细的样本集。

    • Solo Strings is a huge collection of 14 instruments: Violins, Violas, Celli and Basses that can take on any style from romantic leads to string quartets, gypsy and jazz. With 4GB of samples and up to 8 dynamic layers per patch, you’ll find instruments from France, Italy, Germany and Russia, as well as detailed first chair solo patches.Solo Strings是14种乐器的巨大集合:小提琴,中提琴,Celli和贝斯,可以采用从浪漫的线索到弦乐四重奏,吉普赛人和爵士乐的任何风格。每个补丁的4GB样品和最多8个动态层,您会从法国,意大利,德国和俄罗斯找到乐器,以及详细的第一椅个人补丁。

    • Ensemble Strings takes string sampling to the next level, meticulously combining a raw pool of over 120,000 samples to create gorgeous ensemble instruments with an unmatched level of performance realism. Two full ensembles, full and small, cover all individual instrument ensembles plus combined patches for fully playable string sections. This 30GB library features 8 dynamic layers and up to 32 articulations, including unusual effects, octaves, col legno, ponticello and clusters.Ensemble Strings将字符串采样提升到一个新的水平,并精心将超过120,000个样品的原始池组合在一起,以创建具有无与伦比的性能现实主义水平的华丽合奏乐器。两个完整的合奏,全部和小,覆盖所有单独的仪器集合以及合并的补丁,以完全可播放的弦乐部分。这个30GB库具有8个动态层和多达32个关节,包括异常效果,八度,Col Legno,Ponticello和Clusters。

    • Orchestral Brass EXtended is absolutely comprehensive – a massive source of trumpets, trombones and french horns and even f-tuba, sousaphone, euphonium and ensemble groups. So whether you’re recreating a fanfare, brass band or full orchestral brass section, these precisely sampled instruments will make you sound truly authentic. The articulation range is staggering with all the bread-and-butter styles, plus rips, falls, flutters, runs, repetitions and effects – not to mention 5 different kinds of mutes.管弦乐的铜管扩展是绝对全面的 – 大量的小号,长号和围角,甚至是f -tuba,sousaphone,euphonium and Ensemble群体。因此,无论您是重新创建大张旗,铜管乐队还是完整的管弦乐铜部分,这些精确的采样乐器都会使您听起来真正真实。铰接范围令人惊叹,所有面包和泡沫样式,撕裂,跌倒,fl脚,跑步,重复和效果 – 更不用说5种不同的静音了。

    Features Overview功能概述

    • Chris Hein’s groundbreaking phase-align technique achieves articulations that are clean of phasing and volume bumps as you move through the dynamic layers. So if you need powerful crescendi or flowing legato lines you won’t hear any audio artefacts – the transitions are completely smooth.克里斯·海因(Chris Hein)的开创性相位对准技术可以在您穿越动态层时达到清晰的量和体积凸起的关节。因此,如果您需要强大的渐强或流动的腿部线条,您将不会听到任何音频文物 – 过渡是完全平稳的。

    • The note-head function gives the opportunity to define exactly how hard the players bite down on the notes. Combining different articulations and note heads will bring your virtual instrument parts to life like never before.音符头功能使机会确切地定义了玩家在音符上咬人的努力。结合不同的发音和音符头将使您的虚拟仪器零件像以前一样栩栩如生。

    • A full range of advanced options within these orchestral libraries ensures precise control. Set the instruments just as you like them with multiple options for dynamics, legato, vibrato, glide and much more.这些管弦乐队的图书馆中的一系列高级选项可确保精确控制。像您喜欢它们一样设置乐器,并具有多种动态,腿部,颤音,滑行等多种选择。

    • It’s simple to set up separate convolution reverb routings for both the instrument body and the room it’s playing in – so you can match these orchestral instruments with the rest of your template. With 63 high class impulse responses, it’s never been easier to match a soundstage, placing all of your orchestral libraries in the same space.为仪器主体和正在播放的房间设置单独的卷积混响路由很容易 – 因此,您可以将这些管弦乐器乐器与模板的其余部分匹配。有了63个高级冲动响应,匹配声场从来都不容易,将所有管弦乐队的库放在同一空间中。

    弦乐独奏 弦乐群揍 管乐 铜管 木管 弦乐独奏kontakt 弦乐群揍kontakt 管乐kontakt 铜管kontakt 木管kontakt


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