在这款出色的跨界制作包中,舞厅注入了充满流行音乐旋律的节奏。 颠簸,打磨和战利品的震动,重低音,跳鼓,光滑的吉他和有弹力的旋律! 期待听到-强劲的鼓声,切碎的长笛,变形的808s,新鲜的合成器,坚韧的吉他舔等等! 将新鲜的材料直接放入您的项目中,或切成小块进行拼接,以获得创意灵感和开创性的想法。 所有内容都是100%免版税,已清除并准备好发布–获得灵感| 发挥创意。 所有内容均经过精心混合和均衡,以实现最佳的声音平衡,同时为后续处理和最终的母带处理留出足够的余量。
Dancehall infused rhythms with pop driven melodics abound in this stellar crossover production pack. A bumping, grinding & booty shaking collection of heavy bass, skipping drums, slick guitars & bouncy melodics! Expect to hear – punchy drums, chopped flutes, distorted 808s, fresh synths, gritty guitar licks and much more! Drop fresh material directly into your projects or chop and splice for creative inspiration & track-starting ideas. All content is 100% royalty free, cleared & release ready – Get Inspired | Get Creative. All content has been carefully mixed and eq’d for optimum sonic balance while allowing plenty of extra headroom for further processing and also final mastering stages.
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