寻找肮脏的抽象振动筛?您的曲目需要一些像Dilla一样怪异的金属声音吗?正是因为RARE打击乐器最新发布的Texture Weapons才让您眼前一亮。隐藏原始乐器的宝石,以不同于其他乐器的方式使您的节拍或有弹性。 在这里,您会发现混合和抽象乐器为当今的铁匠创造了有节奏的色彩。为寻求创新的开箱即用的思想家和节拍者带来的声音充满了边缘。您可以尝试使用会说话的摇床,钣金或响板等代替HiHats。随心所欲。这个包装系列的唯一目的是提供不同的声音和循环选择,以帮助音乐创作者创作抽象和不同的音乐。 Looking for a dirty abstract shaker? Need some weird Dilla-esque metallic sounds for your track? Look no further than RARE percussions newest release Texture Weapons because are exactly that. Hidden gems of raw instruments to make your beat vibe or bouncy in a different way than the rest. Here you’ll find hybrid and abstract instruments curated into rhythmic colors for todays beatsmith. Filled to the brim with sounds for out of the box thinkers and beatmakers looking to do something new. Instead of HiHats maybe try a talking shaker, or sheet metals, or castanets and so on. Whatever hits your ears. The sole purpose of this pack series is to offer a different choice of sounds and loops to help music creators make abstract and different music. |
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