Spitfire Studio Strings标志着至关重要的全新Spitfire Orchestra系列的首次发行。我们的目标是创建一个功能强大的多功能干燥阶段样品库。通过选择Air Studio One清新活泼的环境,它比华丽的Lyndhurst Hall更为小巧,可控的空间,我们可以为我们的作曲家同时提供具有深度,细节和焦点的弦乐库。从激情的戏剧到现代的斯堪的纳维亚黑色,它都可以使用。它适合古怪的独立电影和流行音乐,但也可以处理史诗般的电影和游戏配乐。
Spitfire Studio Strings marks the first release of a vital all-new Spitfire Orchestra range. Our ambition was to create an incredibly versatile pro-end dry stage sample library. By choosing the crisp and vibrant setting of Air Studio One, a smaller, more controllable space than the opulent Lyndhurst Hall, we offer our fellow composers a string library with depth, detail and focus all at once. It will work on anything from passionate period dramas to modern Scandi noir. It’s a fit for quirky indie and crisp pop, but can also tackle epic film and games scores.
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