Win 7-10 | AAX | VST | VST3 | 16MB
Mac 12-15 | OSX 11 | AAX | AU | VST | VST3 | 16MB
Linux | AAX | AU | VST | VST3 | 16MB
PhaseThree是Mutton Bi-Phase的详细模型,具有该单元的所有可爱声音(以及它的脆弱性和怪异之处。)值得注意的是,由于老化因素,没有两个Bi-Phase硬件单元听起来相似。我们找到了最好的和最悦耳的音乐,可以放心地买下来,以一个荒谬的价格买了下来,然后拆开看看是什么使它变了价。像你所做地。
»unobtanium Bi-Phase表情踏板被建模为单独的参数,可通过您喜欢的调制源进行控制。
PhaseThree is a detailed model of the Mutton Bi-Phase, with all the lovely sound of that unit (along with its foibles and quirks.) It is worth noting that, due to aging factors, no two Bi-Phase hardware units sound alike; we found the best and most tuneful one we could lay our hands on, bought it for a faintly ridiculous price, and took it apart to see what made it tick. Like you do.
The result is a painstaking digital copy of the original unit, down to the unique sweep of its LFOs. With the latest version, we have departed from the original and added 12-stage phasors in addition to the six-stage versions found in the hardware units. (We feel that 12-stage phasors have a more modern sound that people expect in a current phasor, and that the six-stage versions in the original were somewhat lacking to the modern palette.)
» Perfect model of the original Bi-Phase, down to the response of the vactrols.
» The unobtanium Bi-Phase expression pedal is modeled as a separate parameter, for control by your favorite modulation source.
» 12-stage phasor option for each channel, in addition to the original 6-stage phasors.
» XML-based cross-platform preset manager, with copy and paste. (You can even move presets between the iOS version and the desktop version with Handoff.)
» Entirely vector-based resizable high-resolution user interface
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