Win 7-10 | AAX | VST | VST3 | 299MB
Eventide plug-ins give you the ability to make your recordings evoke the sonic landscape of legendary albums and open the doors to the creation of new sounds never heard before. Our legacy plugins like the H910 Harmonizer and H3000 Factory recreate the iconic sounds used by top artists, engineers and producers such as Steve Vai, Tony Visconti, Dave Pensado, Jimmy Page, Frank Zappa, Eddie Van Halen, and many more. Ensemble is also packed with new, award-winning effects such as Blackhole, Tverb, Physion — unique tools not found anywhere else.
The Ensemble bundle includes emulations of legendary boxes plus classic EQs, compressors, dynamics processors, delays, reverbs, and pitch changers used by the best in the business.
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