Win 7-10 | AAX | VST | VST3 | 80.4MB
Mac 12-OSX 11 | AAX | AU | VST | VST3 | 94.2MB
弦乐飞扬,木管乐器舞动,铜管指挥,指尖尽收眼底的交响乐团-所有这些都是熟练地演奏,带有音乐清晰度,可以演奏真正音乐家的真实音乐。从流畅的连奏到生动的披萨,从激进的奏鸣曲到优雅的断奏,从最细腻的钢琴演奏到最凯旋的奏鸣曲等等,Miroslav Philharmonik 2都是大师的全面视野,体现在一个全新的虚拟乐器中,使乐团栩栩如生。
仅仅拥有古典乐器的录音是不够的。为了获得真正的交响乐体验,您需要由绝对出色的音乐家演奏的乐器,这些乐器必须由制作人和指挥家以正确的方式进行表达,他们知道制作活体和呼吸样本的技巧。Miroslav Vitous率先为真正的作曲家提供了完整的交响乐样本库的概念,现在他将其提升到了一个新的高度。
Strings that soar, woodwinds that dance, brass that commands and a full symphony orchestra of sounds at your fingertips — all expertly performed with musical articulations for real music played by real musicians. From flowing legatos to animated pizzicatos, from aggressive spiccatos to elegant staccatos, from the most subtle pianissimo to the most triumphant fortissimo and more, Miroslav Philharmonik 2 is a sweeping vision from a master artist embodied in a new virtual instrument that brings the orchestra to life.
It’s not enough to just have good recordings of classical instruments. For a true symphonic experience, you need instruments performed by the absolute best musicians articulated in just the right way directed by a producer and conductor who knows the fine art of making living, breathing samples. Miroslav Vitous pioneered the concept of a complete symphonic sample library for real composers, and now he has taken it to the next level.
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