版本 | v1.0.2
Win 7-11 | VST | VST3 | 15MB
Mac OSX10.12-Big Sur OSX 12.X| AU | VST | VST3 | 37.5MB
基于规则的 MIDI 音序器
Nest 是一个模块化系统,围绕着 MIDI 的创建。基本成分是:20 个受经典集成电路和当今计算机功能启发的模块、一个巧妙的声音到合成器分配、12 个补丁场景和一个四路 VST/Synth/MIDI 接口。
超过 20 个不同的模块
生成 8 个 MIDI 声音并分配给 4 个目标
托管多达 4 个 VST2 插件
通过 MIDI 调用 12 个场景
发送到 16 个 MDI 通道
加上 MIDI CC 和自动化
多音频输出(5 个立体声)
什么是 Nest
Nest 是一个模块化音序器。它提供了各种模块来生成和处理触发器和数字。您可以构建高度复杂的排序环境,以制作具有自己生命的音乐。
Nest 配备了类似于经典的基于晶体管的集成电路,如移位寄存器或多路复用器,以及 if/else 和数学模块等编程工具。板载可写音序器和灵活的琶音器,在需要时让生活变得轻松。
巧妙的声音分配将 8 种可能的 MIDI 声音分配到多达 4 个不同的声音发生器,如 VST、内部合成器和鼓或 MIDI 通道。这不仅可以让 Nest 在托管您最喜欢的插件时变得有趣,您还可以用它来驱动您的硬件园区。
Key Features
Build your own sequencer!
More than 20 different modules
Generate 8 MIDI voices and assign to 4 targets
Host up to 4 VST2 plug-ins
Use internal synths and drums
Recall 12 scenes via MIDI
Send to 16 MDI channels
Plus MIDI CCs and automation
Multi audio outs (5 stereo)
Flexible scale system
What is Nest
Nest is a modular sequencer. It offers all kinds of modules to generate and process triggers and numbers. You can build highly complex sequencing environments with the aim to produce music with a life of its own.
Nest is equipped with resemblings of classical, transistor based integrated circuits like Shift Registers or Multiplexers, plus programming tools like the if/else and math modules. Also a writable Sequencer and flexible Arpeggiator are onboard, to make life easy when needed.
A clever voice assignment distributes the 8 possible MIDI voices to up to 4 different sound generators like VSTs, internal Synths and Drums or MIDI channels. This can make Nest not only fun when hosting your favorite plugins, you can also use it to drive your hardware park.
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