WAV | 438.9MB
•19 one shots
•167 loops
来自 Lil Wayne、Dababy、Quavo 等人在曲目中使用的相同长笛,Spirit Flutes 无愧于它的称号。从长波浪飘逸的长笛线条到短而尖锐的节奏线条,这个包系列将为您提供寻找真正的波浪AF长笛所需的一切。
RARE 打击乐通过一系列美洲原住民木长笛为这款包注入了活力。然后结合来自传统文化以及嘻哈和流行音乐的节奏风格,您将获得独一无二的长笛包。
From the same flutes used on tracks by Lil Wayne, Dababy, Quavo, and more, Spirit Flutes is nothing short of it’s title. From Long wavy ethereal flute lines to short sharp rhythmic lines this pack series will give you everything you need when looking for an authentic, real flute that is wavy AF.
RARE percussion brings this pack to life with a series of Native American wooden flutes. Then incorporating rhythmic styles from traditional cultures as well as Hip Hop and Pop, you get a flute pack like no other.
Check out the whole pack because there are some serious gems in here!
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