WAV | 57MB
中音之声 – 第 1 卷的创作者和精英中音萨克斯手,Logan Richardson 得到了一些即兴音乐史上最杰出人物的指导,包括 Jay McShann、Claude “Fiddler” Williams 和 Queen Bey,此外还有这样的艺术家Max Roach、Shirley Scott、Jimmy Heath、Clark Terry、Kenny Burrell、Marcus Belgrave、Richard Davis 作为驻地艺术家。伯克利音乐学院的毕业生曾与大师乔·钱伯斯、布奇·莫里斯、斯蒂芬·哈里斯、安布罗斯·阿金穆西尔、格雷格·塔迪、纳希特·韦茨、米歇尔·罗斯沃夫、比利·哈特和杰森·莫兰一起演出。中音之声 – 第 1 卷包含高水平的音乐才能,这将提升您的制作并激发跨流派的无尽创造力。
The Voice of Alto – Volume 1 creator and elite alto saxophonist, Logan Richardson was mentored by some of the finest figures in the history of improvised music, including Jay McShann, Claude “Fiddler” Williams, and Queen Bey, in addition to having artists such as Max Roach, Shirley Scott, Jimmy Heath, Clark Terry, Kenny Burrell, Marcus Belgrave, Richard Davis as artists in residence. The Berklee College of Music graduate has performed with masters Joe Chambers, Butch Morris, Stefon Harris, Ambrose Akinmusire, Greg Tardy, Nasheet Waits, Michelle Rosewoman, Billy Hart, and Jason Moran. The Voice of Alto – Volume 1 contains a high level of musicianship which will elevate your production and inspire endless creativity across genres.
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