动态压缩效果器插件 Plugin Alliance ADPTR Audio Sculpt v1.3.0 [WiN+MAC] 插件联盟 暂无演示

动态压缩效果器插件 Plugin Alliance ADPTR Audio Sculpt v1.3.0 [WiN+MAC] 插件联盟

¥12.8 金币
  • 普通用户购买价格 : 12.8金币
  • SVIP会员购买价格 :0金币
  • 终身SVIP购买价格 : 免费
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  • Windows+MacOSX
  • 版本稳定好用


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  • 版本 | WiN-v1.2.0 | MAC-1.3.0
    Win 10-11 | VST | VST3 | 18.8MB
    Mac10.15-13.X | AU | VST | VST3 | 93MB


    ADPTR Audio 的 Sculpt 代表了动态和音调控制的未来。Sculpt 专为主母线和编组母线设计,能让你彻底、干净地重塑声音,这是其他处理器无法做到的。它的核心是一个非常透明的 “上行 压缩器、一个更传统的 “下行 “压缩器,以及强大的音调和瞬态 “Sculpt “部分。使用它可以对主母线和混音母线进行修饰,或增强采样、音源和乐器组中的特定元素。

    Sculpt 建立在四个并行运行的动态模块之上。上行压缩模块在动态控制方面具有非同一般的灵活性和更高的透明度,而高质量的下行压缩模块则提供更传统的动态控制。独一无二的音色雕刻模块可突出或抑制音频的特定方面,而瞬态雕刻模块则可操作每种声音的起始点,从而精确控制其声音 “包络”。每个模块都有自己的静音、独奏和输出表,因此你可以看到和听到它们对音频的影响。

    Sculpt 的每个模块都带有频率控制器,可影响 Sculpt 分析信号的方式。这些控制在压缩器模块中用作侧链均衡控制,在音色雕塑模块中用作音调平衡控制,在瞬态雕塑模块中用作瞬态选择控制。音调雕塑模块还包括一个音调平衡图,可显示音轨的频率平衡,从而实现对音调的持续监控。Sculpt 的妙处在于它不会应用频率相关的处理。相反,它会逐个样本地影响输入的增益,从而产生令人难以置信的透明效果。

    Sculpt 采用最先进的包络检测算法 (EDA),该算法模仿人类听到声音的方式,因此比传统的压缩器技术反应更灵敏。EDA 能以迅雷不及掩耳之势精确检测声音的包络线,使 Sculpt 即使在使用超快的攻击和释放设置处理复杂材料时也不会失真。使用 Sculpt 进行轻度到重度侧链压缩时,再也不用担心失真问题。

    大多数动态处理器的问题在于,它们在应用补偿增益时不会考虑感知响度,这意味着你最终得到的 “电平匹配 “信号听起来往往比输入信号更响亮或更安静。Sculpt 可以分析输入音频信号的全部频率响应,并相应调整旋钮,让你可以进行准确的电平匹配 A/B 比较。Sculpt 随附的预置还能根据输入音频信号的动态进行自我调整,让你听到预置的声音效果。
    – 透明地塑造单个音轨、母线和母带的动态、音色和瞬态。
    – 四个动态模块,包括上行压缩器/扩展器、下行压缩器/扩展器、音调平衡模块和瞬态处理器。
    – 音调平衡展示台可准确显示输入音频的音调平衡。
    – 每个模块都配有低频和高频滤波器以及频谱倾斜均衡器。
    – 可独立旁通每个模块的频段,并调整处理规模,对声音进行微调。
    – 包络检测算法(EDA)可实现无失真处理,即使在处理复杂材料时也是如此。
    – 高级自适应自动增益(AAAG)可分析输入音频,并根据人类听音的方式准确应用增益。
    – 主混音面板提供旁路控制、干/湿混音旋钮以及中/侧处理选项。
    – 丰富的预设库,可根据材料的需要进行调整。

    Plugin Alliance ADPTR Audio Sculpt v1.3.0
    Next generation dynamics processing

    ADPTR Audio’s Sculpt represents the future of dynamic and tonal control. Designed for master and group buses, Sculpt lets you thoroughly and cleanly reshape your sounds in ways that other processors simply can’t. At its heart are a remarkably transparent “Upward” Compressor, a more traditional Downward Compressor, and powerful Tonal and Transient “Sculpt” sections. Use it to add refining touches to masters and mix buses, or to enhance specific elements inside of samples, stems and instrument groups.

    Four modules running in parallel
    Sculpt is built on top of four dynamic modules that run in parallel. The Upward Compression module offers an uncommon spin on dynamic control with greater transparency, while a high-quality Downwards Compression offers more conventional dynamic control. The one-of-a-kind Tone Sculpt module accentuates or suppresses specific aspects of your audio, while the Transient Sculpt module manipulates the onset of each sound for precise control over its sonic “envelope”. Each module has its own mute, solo and output meter so you can see and hear how they’re affecting your audio.

    A master tone manipulator
    Each of Sculpt’s modules come with frequency controls that affect the way Sculpt analyzes your signal. These function as sidechain EQ controls within the compressor modules, as tonal balance controls within the Tone Sculpt module, and as transient selection controls within the Transient Sculpt module. The Tone Sculpt module also includes a tonal balance graph that displays the frequency balance of tracks, allowing for constant tone monitoring. The beauty of Sculpt is that it doesn’t apply frequency-dependent processing. Instead, it affects the gain of your input on a sample-by-sample basis, which leads to unbelievably transparent results.

    Distortion-free dynamics control
    Sculpt uses a state-of-the-art Envelope Detection Algorithm (EDA) that mimics the way humans hear sounds, making it more responsive than conventional compressor technology. EDA detects the envelope of sounds with lightning-fast precision, allowing Sculpt to operate distortion-free, even when processing complex material using super-fast attack and release settings. Use Sculpt to apply light to heavy sidechain compression without worrying about distortion ever again.

    Auto-Gain that actually works
    The issue with most dynamics processors is that they don’t take perceived loudness into account when applying makeup gain, meaning you often end up with a “level matched” signal that sounds much louder or quieter than your input signal. Sculpt analyzes the full frequency response of your incoming audio signal and adjusts its knobs accordingly, allowing you to make accurate level-matched A/B comparisons. The presets included with Sculpt also adapt themselves based on the dynamics of your incoming audio signal so that you can hear how they’re intended to sound.
    – Transparently shape the dynamics, tone, and transients of individual tracks, busses, and masters.
    – Four dynamics modules that include an upwards compressor/expander, downwards compressor/expander, tonal balance module, and a transient processor.
    – A Tonal Balance Visualizer that accurately displays the tonal balance of incoming audio.
    – Each module comes with low and high-shelf filters and a Spectrum Tilt EQ.
    – Independently bypass each module’s bands and scale the processing applied to fine-tune your sound.
    – An Envelope Detection Algorithm (EDA) that results in distortion-free processing, even when processing complex material.
    – Advanced Adaptive Auto Gain (AAAG) analyzes incoming audio and accurately applies makeup gain based on the way humans hear sound.
    – A Master Mixer Panel that provides a bypass control, wet/dry mix knob, and mid/side processing options.
    – An extensive library of presets that adapt to meet the needs of your material.


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