电音舞曲底鼓Akai MPC采样包/音源/工程模版 F9 Audio KICK Argon Drums Vol. 1 编曲素材 暂无演示

电音舞曲底鼓Akai MPC采样包/音源/工程模版 F9 Audio KICK Argon Drums Vol. 1 编曲素材

¥8.8 金币
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  • WAV | Akai MPC | Logic | KONTAKT | Bitwig | Ableton | HALion Sonic SE | 996MB


    100 种现代、扎实的Kick+专业知识

    与 F9 发布的所有产品一样,我们在寻找俱乐部就绪的终极低音鼓包的过程中不断超越自我。


    我非常自豪地介绍 F9 KICK!Vol1 – 100 种Kick,为您的下一部作品的低音部分打下最坚实的基础。

    本单格式包中包括 :

    100 X 24 位踢脚 75 俱乐部踢脚,25 House 踢脚
    100 X 16 位 Kicks(名称与复古 MPC 和其他采样器兼容)
    100 X MPC3K Kicks 全部使用我们的复古 MPC 3000 重新采样
    分离式踢脚–所有核心踢脚均已分离为 “瞬态 “和 “主体 “部分,以便混合和匹配音效
    图层 – 为您的踢踏乐、多种形式的氛围和混响、数字元素和格调提供更多自定义的叠加效果。
    Kontakt 5.8.1 库 **
    Akai MPC V2.11 扩展(包括免费的 MPC Beats)
    Ableton Rack(9.5 版起,标准版或套装版)
    Logic Pro X 库(基于 EXS24 / Logic 补丁)
    Halion Sonic SE 库(可从 Steinberg.com 免费获取 Halion SE)

    100 首核心乐曲。

    该系列以 75 种 Club Kicks 开头,每一种都是在音乐制作过程中创建的,而不是像许多样本包那样孤立存在。

    随后,25 种 House Kicks 将这一系列推向高潮,其中许多来自 909 和其他模拟音源,或由我们的几款经典采样器录制而成。


    这些踢脚(以及所有主要 WAV 文件)均经过规范化处理,并从数字满刻度调整为 -6DB、

    MPC 3000 Kicks。

    所有 100 个 Kicks 均已重新采样到 F9 MPC 3000 中,并通过其传奇而有力的音频输出回放。

    我们通过 API 527 进行预功放,然后使用一对立体声 Chandler Lil Devil 电感均衡器增加了一丝临场感和厚重感,最后使用一对立体声 DBX 160X 增加了一点压缩。从模拟到数字的转换由我们的 Apogee Symphony 系统完成。

    由于模拟录音阶段的自然滤波会推动踢踏声向前发展,而 MPC 的 16 位转换器则会增加轻微的紧缩感,因此这组踢踏声会让低音部分略显紧凑。


    所有 100 首踢踏舞曲都经过精心处理,将噪音(瞬态)和音调(主体)元素分离到不同的文件中。由于每个音色的频谱处理过程完全相同,因此可以进行一些几乎不可能立即完成的混搭实验

    您还可以将多个瞬态与实体部分进行分层,以真正敲定合成踢踏音的最初 50 毫秒的重要听觉效果。


    F9 Audio KICK! Argon Drums Vol 1 Wav
    100 Modern, Solid Kicks + Expertise
    This is a sample pack I’ve wanted personally for my entire career. A hand-curated collection of modern kick drums that provide instant punch and perfectly controlled subsonic audio that won’t swamp your production.

    Like all F9 releases – we went above and beyond in the search for the ultimate pack of club-ready bass drums.

    Resampling through one of the world’s most revered sampling drum machines, Separating the transient and body portions of every kick for endless mix-and-match, adding a whole collection of kick layers and wrapping the whole lot up in our renowned sampler formats.

    I’m immensely proud to present F9 KICK! Vol1 – 100 kicks, all created to give you access to the finest foundation for your next production’s bass end.

    Included in this single-format pack :

    100 X 24 Bit Kicks 75 Club Kicks, 25 House Kicks
    100 X 16 Bit Kicks ( Names compatible with vintage MPC and other samplers)
    100 X MPC3K Kicks All re-sampled with our vintage MPC 3000
    Split Kicks – All core kicks have been separated into ‘Transient’ and ‘Body’ portions allowing for mix-and matching of sound
    Layers – A collection of overlays for your kicks, Multiple forms of ambience and reverbs, digital elements and grunge for additional customisation.
    Kontakt 5.8.1 Library **
    MPC V2.11 Expansion ( Including the FREE MPC Beats )
    Ableton Rack ( live 9.5 onwards, Standard or Suite )
    Logic Pro X Library ( based around EXS24 / Logic patches )
    Halion Sonic SE Library (Halion SE available FREE from Steinberg.com )

    100 Core Kicks.

    75 Club Kicks start the collection off, every one of them created inside a working musical production – not in isolation like so many sample packs. perfectly balanced transient and ambience layers were added during production.

    25 House Kicks then top off this collection – Many sourced from 909 and other analogue sources, or recorded from several of our classic samplers.

    We have covered a ton of sonic options here across this pack whilst making sure every kick is useable, punchy and adaptable.

    The kicks ( and all main WAV files ) are available normalized and also levelled -6DB from digital full scale,

    MPC 3000 Kicks.

    All 100 Kicks have been re-sampled into F9 MPC 3000 and kicked back out through its legendary & punchy audio outputs.

    Pre-Amped via an API 527 we then added just a hint of presence and heft from a stereo pair of Chandler Lil Devil inductor EQs before adding a tickle of compression with a stereo pair of DBX 160Xs. The conversion from analogue to digital was handled by our Apogee Symphony system.

    This folder of kicks will give you a slightly tighter bass end as the natural filtering of the analogue recording stages push the kicks forward whilst the MPC’s 16bit converters add the slightest air of crunch.

    Split Kicks.

    All 100 Kicks have been carefully processed to split the noise ( Transient ) and tonal ( Body ) elements into separate files. As the spectral process was identical for each kick it allows for some almost impossibly-instant mix-and-match experiments.

    You can also layer multiple transients against a solid body portion to really hammer home the aurally-vital initial 50ms of your composite kick

    The potential here for unique kick tones using these samples is huge – not every combination will work ( that would be misleading to suggest ) but in our investigations, it has never ceased to be fun to experiment with the split samples in this pack.


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