Toms X3M
关于Toms X3M
几十年来,手鼓一直是第一种也是最常用的史诗打击乐器。与X3M打击乐器系列的其他部分相比,我们的Toms X3M采用了现代的方法,在录音过程中增加了更多的深度和色彩。
我们超越了传统的手鼓,还录制了surdos、野战鼓、独奏鼓、独奏刷鼓以及不同的合奏规模和组合。Toms X3M不仅仅是Toms。
录音是在Sofia Session工作室进行的,我们也在那里录制了以前的X3M库,以实现平滑和轻松的分层。
加载X3M Ensemble Builder后,您会自动加载“sample”目录中的所有样本。然而,该仪器是以这样一种方式构建的,它实际上保持所有样品被清除,除非您将它们加载到一个区域中。这意味着你不仅有一个单一的补丁与所有类型的打击你可能需要的,但它也是优化的,不会以任何方式伤害你的内存资源!
适用于Kontakt FULL或Kontakt Player v6.7.1或更高版本!
Strezov Sampling Toms X3M KONTAKT
Toms X3M
Contemporary hard hitting toms, surdos, field drums in solo and various ensemble sizes processed for an out of the box epic experience.
About Toms X3M
Toms have been the first and most used instruments for epic sounding percussion for decades. Our Toms X3M take a contemporary approach to one of the most sampled drums by adding more depth and colour to the recording process compared to other installments of the X3M Percussion range.
We went beyond traditional toms and also recorded surdos, field drums, solo drums, brushed drums solo and in different ensemble sizes and combinations. Toms X3M is way more than just toms.
One of our main goals was to have consistent Round Robins captured for as many playing techniques as possible to allow writing fast, but at the same time smooth and realistic sounding percussion arrangements. To achieve that, we carefully edited every single sample of our up to 15 Round Robins manually and did as many iterations as needed after extensively testing the articulations in a real life composing environment.
The recordings took place in the Sofia Session Studio where we also recorded the previous X3M libraries to allow smooth and easy layering.
The X3M Percussion Engine
The concept behind this engine is fairly simple – the keyboard range is divided into 12 zones that you are able to assign different sounds to. After creating a template of your choosing just plug in and play – nothing else needed!
In addition to that the engine also allows you to tweak individual zones, as well as the whole mapped ensemble patch with various effects and mic positions. Combining these with the natural and organic recordings you have maximum flexibility when it comes to sound.
Once you load up the X3M Ensemble Builder you automatically load all samples inside the “Samples” directory. However, the instrument is built in such a way that it actually keeps all samples purged, unless you load them up into a zone. This means that not only do you have a single patch with all types of percussion you might need, but it is also optimized and doesn’t hurt your RAM ressources in any way!
The recently updated X3M Engine also features Round Robin Selection as well as Stereo Spread control for each microphone position.
Works with Kontakt FULL or Kontakt Player v6.7.1 or later!
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