好莱坞电影配乐弦乐音源 Cinesamples CineStrings Core 2 v2.0.1 KONTAKT 音色库 暂无演示

好莱坞电影配乐弦乐音源 Cinesamples CineStrings Core 2 v2.0.1 KONTAKT 音色库

¥8.8 金币
  • 普通用户购买价格 : 8.8金币
  • SVIP会员购买价格 :0金币
  • 终身SVIP购买价格 : 免费
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  • Windows+MacOSX
  • 版本稳定好用


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  • KONTAKT | 44.5GB
    版本要求 – 6.7.1+


    CineStrings Core是一个旗舰管弦乐库,由大师工程师丹尼斯·桑兹在索尼电影制片厂的米高梅评分舞台录制。该库是CineSymphony系列的一部分,并与我们的CineBrass、CineWinds和CinePerc库完美融合,这些库来自同一个传奇的好莱坞评分阶段。2.0版具有全新的界面,对样本进行了全新的声波处理,对脚本和Kontakt引擎FX进行了改进,等等!
    CineStrings核心库在洛杉矶世界著名的SONY Pictures评分舞台录制,由资深传奇人物丹尼斯·桑兹(Dennis Sands)混音,涵盖管弦乐部分的基本要素,并作为任何评分调色板的基础。结果是一个易于使用、作曲家友好、录音质量无与伦比的字符串库。
    CineStrings Core不需要您购买任何额外的示例播放软件,并获得许可与Native Instrument的免费Kontakt Player一起使用。在这里浏览Kontakt的最新版本。你只需要一个像Logic、Cubase、Digital Performer、LIVE、Pro Tools、Cakewalk甚至Apple GarageBand这样的音序器,你就可以开始运行了。您还可以将CineStrings与您喜爱的符号软件(如Sibelius或Finale)一起使用。
    CineStrings Core(与我们的其他CineSymphony系列库一样)有一个非常直观、易于使用的图形界面,带有快速选择的预设,可以帮助您根据您的具体实践进行编写、编程和混合。映射页面可以快速设置速度、按键切换,甚至是midi连续控制器(CC)关节切换。我们的混音器页面允许您快速访问我们的完整混音或其他四个麦克风位置。设置页面允许对每个补丁进行高级控制,以实现声音设计、编程和其他有用功能。
    -Sul Pont Tremolos@p至f
    -Bartok Pizz@3xRR

    CineStrings Core提供了许多惊人的功能,使其区别于其他库。

    当我们发布CineBrass库时,我们添加了一个名为“断奏叠加”的功能——我们在CineStrings Core中采用了新的弓形攻击叠加,将这一功能推向了一个新的主要方向。你可以通过CC快速切换叠加类型(Marcato、Sforzando等),然后每次你以高速度玩时,CC都会“叠加”在支撑和连奏上。这允许您模拟多种不同风格的弓击,并在飞行中创建独特的打法,并在DAW中轻松回忆。

    CineStrings Core v2.0是为Kontrol Standard(NKS)格式编写的脚本。
    与免费的NI Kontakt Player v6.7.1及更高版本配合使用!

    CineStrings Core is a flagship orchestral strings library recorded at the MGM Scoring Stage at Sony Pictures Studios by master engineer Dennis Sands. This library is part of the CineSymphony series and blends well with our CineBrass, CineWinds and CinePerc libraries from this same legendary Hollywood scoring stage. Version 2.0 features a brand new interface, a complete new sonic treatment for the samples, improvements to the scripting and Kontakt engine FX, and more!

    Recorded at the world famous SONY Pictures Scoring Stage in Los Angeles, and mixed by veteran legend Dennis Sands, the CineStrings Core Library covers the essentials of the orchestral string section, and functions as a foundation in any scoring palette. The result is a string library that is easy to use, composer-friendly, with unparalleled recording quality.

    CineStrings Core does not require you to purchase any additional sample playback software, and is licensed to work with the Native Instrument’s free Kontakt Player. Explore the latest version of Kontakt HERE. All you need is a sequencer like Logic, Cubase, Digital Performer, LIVE, Pro Tools, Cakewalk, or even Apple GarageBand and you’ll be up and running. You can also use CineStrings with your favorite notation software such as Sibelius or Finale.
    Intuitive Graphical Interface
    CineStrings Core (as with our other CineSymphony series libraries) has a very intuitive and easy to use graphical interface with quickly selectable presets that can help you write, program and mix tailored to your specific practices. The mapping page can quickly set you up for velocity, key-switching or even midi continuous controller (CC) articulation switching. Our mixer page allows you to quickly access our full mix or the four other microphone positions. The settings page allows for advanced control over each of these patches for sound design, programming and other useful features.

    The CineStrings Core library contains the basic set of articulations needed to do most of the traditional writing and programming for the string section.

    – Non-vibrato, vibrato and espressivo sustains with smooth dynamic morphing across five dynamics and across each vibrato position
    – Natural legatos with smooth dynamic morphing across four dynamics
    – Spiccato @ 7-8xRR @ pp to f
    – Staccato @ 5-6xRR @ pp to fff
    – Marcato @ 3xRR @ p to ff
    – Sforzando Overlay @ p to ff
    – Tremolos @ p to f
    – Sul-Pont Tremolos @ p to f
    – Trills (Whole-Step and Half-Step) @ p to f
    – Pizzicato @ 5xRR @ p to f
    – Bartok Pizz @ 3xRR
    – Col Legno @ 3-5xRR
    – Harmonic Sustains @ p to f
    Unique Features
    CineStrings Core offers many amazing features that distinguishes it from other libraries.

    Our newest feature is the “Hairpin Creator”. This amazing setting allows for you to automatically get very natural “swells” without having to program a series of controller changes. Based on time or synced to your DAW, the strings can crescendo and decrescendo as you play, including linking a non-vibrato to espressivo state – this allows for amazing and expressive playing without having to touch any other controller!
    When we released the CineBrass library we added a feature called “staccato overlay” – we have taken this in a new MAJOR direction with our new bow-attack overlay in CineStrings Core. You can quickly switch types of overlay (Marcato, Sforzando, etc) through a CC, which then is “overlayed” on the sustains and legatos each time you play at a hard velocity. This allows you to simulate many different styles of bow attacks and create unique playing styles on the fly and recall easily in your DAW.
    Along with these features, expect a great deal of expansive programability with our interface. You can link the vibrato and dynamic controls, create your own unique mix and much more!

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