电贝司音源插件 Ample Sound Ample Bass Jaco Fretless v3.6.0 [WiN+MAC] 暂无演示

电贝司音源插件 Ample Sound Ample Bass Jaco Fretless v3.6.0 [WiN+MAC]

¥12.8 金币
  • 普通用户购买价格 : 12.8金币
  • SVIP会员购买价格 :0金币
  • 终身SVIP购买价格 : 免费
  • 免费售后咨询
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  • 付费远程安装
  • Windows+MacOSX
  • 版本稳定好用


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  • 评价建议
  • 版本 | v3.6.0
    Win 10-11 | AAX | VST | VST3 | 1.93GB
    Mac10.13-新系统 | AAX | AU | VST | VST3 | 1.93GB


    Ample Bass JF 旨在将 Fender Custom Shop Jaco Pastorius Relic 无品爵士贝斯的声音带入你的工作室。

    • 大小:2.2 GB
    • DFD(直接从磁盘)
    • 丰富的指法噪音
    • 持续音、掌击、自然泛音、锤击和拉起、连音滑音、滑入和滑出、弹跳、弹指、人工泛音、重音、重复音符、死音等 12 种发音方式,以及任意长度、音高和多音的连音。

    • CPC(定制参数控制),任何按钮、旋钮等都可以通过 MIDI CC 或自动化控制。
    • 多音连音和滑音平滑器。
    • 可选调音器,可调至最低 B 音。
    • 多种 Capo 逻辑 – 提供多种自动指法逻辑选项,以涵盖独奏、合唱等不同表演。
    • 立体声 DI 信号。
    • 自动和手动嗡嗡系统。

    AMP 系统:
    • 内置 AMP 系统,包括三种经典 AMP 模型:Vintage-15、Bass-500、Bass-Pro。
    • 1×15、2×10、4×10、8×10 四种箱体。
    • 每个箱体有 4 种麦克风选项:U87、C414、MD421 和 SM57。
    • 房间麦克风。

    Riffer 2:
    • 弦滚动编辑器:可以清晰显示指法、发音、表情,甚至是演奏噪音。每个音符都有 8 个属性 – 音高、速度、长度、释放速度、发音、连音、颤音和弯曲,用它们可以制作精细的乐段。
    • 骰子 – 随机乐段生成器:点击一下就会创造新的灵感,因为它不仅仅是一个随机算法。相反,它通过分析一堆乐谱来总结规则。
    • 多重选择和操作,撤销和重做等多重 MIDI 工具,包括固定速度、长度连音和限制,选择、移动、绘制、擦除、分割、粘合等。

    • 高阶 8 段均衡器,直观控制频率响应,实时可视化输入和输出频谱,支持单独 solo 单个频段。
    • 2 线压缩器,实时可视化输入和输出信号,两种检测模式 RMS & Peak,支持软膝盖、自动释放和自动化妆。
    • 6 拍回声,实时可视化立体声信号处理,可以单独调整 6 个回声点的参数:反馈、声像、音量等。
    • IR 混响,提供四种类型的 IR:房间、工作室、大厅和更大的大厅。3D 可视化 IR 频谱。

    Tab 播放器:
    • Tab 播放器可以加载和播放几种流行的吉他/贝斯谱文件格式。用户可以加载、显示和播放谱文件中的任何特定音轨。在 DAW 中使用时,Tab 播放器还允许用户将谱作为音频文件导出。

    Ample Bass JF aim to bring the Fender Custom Shop Jaco Pastorius Relic
    Fretless Jazz Bass sound to your studio

    System Requirements :
    Windows : Windows 7/8/10, 64-bit only (32-bit not supported).
    Mac: 10.9 or newer.
    VST2, VST3, AU, AAX and Standalone host.
    8GB Hard Disk, Intel i5 or higher.

    Sampling :
    Size : 2.2 GB
    DFD(Direct from disk)
    Rich Fingering Noise
    Sustain, Palm Mute, Natural Harmonic, Hammer On & Pull Off, Legato Slide, Slide in & out, Slap, Pop, Artificial Harmonic, Accentuated, Repeat Note, Dead Note 12 articulations, Legato at random length & pitch & poly.

    Technology :
    CPC(Customized Parameters Control), any button knob etc can be controlled by MIDI CC or Automation.
    Poly Legato and Slide Smoother.
    Alternate Tuner & lowest to B.
    Multiple Capo Logics – providing various options of automatic fingering logic to cover different performance such as solo, chorus, and so on.
    Stereo DI Signal.
    Automatic and manual Buzzing system.

    AMP system :
    Built-in AMP sys

    tem, including three classic AMP models: Vintage-15, Bass-500, Bass-Pro.
    1×15, 2×10, 4×10, 8×10 Four cabinets.
    Each Cabinet has 4 mic options : U87, C414, MD421 and SM57.
    Room Mics.

    Riffer 2 :
    String Roll Editor: can clearly show fingering, articulation, expression, and even playing noise. Every note has 8 attributes – pitch, velocity, length, off velocity, articulation, legato, vibrato and bend, with which you can make a delicate lick.
    Dice – Random Riff Generator : A click will create a new inspiration because it is not simply a random algorithm. Rather, it summarizes the rules through analyzing a bunch of music scores.
    Multiple selection and operation, undo and redo etc. multiple MIDI tools, including fixed velocity, length legato and restrict, select, move, draw, erase, split, glue etc.

    FX :
    High order 8-band EQ, intuitive control of frequency response, real-time visualization of input and output spectrum, support of soloing single band..
    2-Line Compressor, real-time visualization of input and output signal, two detection modes RMS & Peak, support of soft knee, auto release and auto makeup.
    6-Tap Echo, real-time visualization of the processing of stereo signal, can tweak the parameters of 6 echo points individually: feedback, pan, volume etc.
    IR Reverb, providing four types of IR : Room, Studio, Hall, and Larger Hall. 3D visualization of IR spectrum.

    Tab Player :
    The Tab Player can load and play several prevalent guitar\bass tablature file formats. Users can load, display and playback any specific track inside a tablature file. When used in DAWs, the Tab Player also allows users to export the tablature as an audio file.


    下载时请不要断网或者暂停! 下载好,MAC用keka解压;WiN用winrar解压!网站可以免费下载这个两个压缩工具! 如遇到需要解压密码的文件,密码为www.pluginsbase.com或者yyrlom.taobao.com或者yuyinraoliangom或者yyrlom
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