版本 | v1.1
Win 10-11 | VST3 | 1.4GB
Mac11.x-新系统 | AU | VST3 | 1.6GB
蒸汽键增强版将90年代的标志性声音带入现代!设计经典和现代的 FM 合成器,轻松创建甜美、华丽的旋律或黑暗、喜怒无常的音景。配备我们最新的效果模块和智能随机器系统!
Vapor Keys 是受90年代启发的经典和现代声音的终极融合。该乐器结合了定制的电钢琴和各种合成器声音,通过 23 个精确采样的 FM 和波表合成器补丁创造出大胆、独特的音色。此增强版是旧版本的重新设计版本,仅适用于 Kontakt。全新的功能,改进的性能,直观的界面和新的效果,以发挥最大的创造力!
使用蒸汽键设计您自己的按键!此示例库提供强大的 2+1 层合成器引擎,允许您选择和混合传统的电键声音和 13 个额外的合成器子层以增加趣味性。此外,您可以添加类似VHS的WOW调制效果,以获得更多创意可能性。
Ethos 混响是 Vapor Keys 的另一个令人兴奋的补充,具有 24 种算法,旨在将您的声音转换为电影和环境杰作。创建郁郁葱葱的音景或增加音轨的深度。其多功能算法非常适合各种音乐流派,从梦幻般的环境音乐到史诗般的配乐。
介绍维度MK2,这是一种新的DSP效果,具有19种专为蒸汽键设计的算法!灵感来自经典的硬件单元,如Roland Dimension D和Eventide Blackhole,它提供合唱,回声,相位器等,以真正的复古或现代风味来扩大,扭曲或转换您的声音。
Vapor Keys包括Karanyi Sounds的智能随机控制,使您能够快速创建新的独特声音。这些控件可让您通过调整路径、效果和包络等参数轻松生成随机变化。智能随机控制开辟了新的和意想不到的声音可能性,使创作过程更加愉快和鼓舞人心。
Vapor Keys 有 29 个定制的电钢琴和波表合成器补丁,具有雅马哈 DX7 和 Arturia MicroFreak 等标志性乐器。它们使用Neve 1073前置放大器,Roland Dimension D,Studer A800和Eventide Blackhole/Lexicon 224效果处理器录制,以实现终极,新鲜的声音。
Vapor Keys Enhanced Edition brings the iconic sounds of the 90s into the modern era! Design classic and modern FM synths, create sweet, lush melodies or dark, moody soundscapes with ease. Equipped with our latest effect modules and smart randomiser system!
Hypnagogic Vibes
Vapor Keys is the ultimate blend of classic and modern sounds inspired by the 90s. The instrument combines custom electric pianos and a variety of synth sounds to create bold, unique tones with 23 accurately sampled FM and wavetable synth patches. This Enhanced Edition is a reimagined version of the legacy release only available for Kontakt. Brand-new features, improved performance, an intuitive interface, and new effects for maximum creativity!
Mix and Match
Design your own keys with Vapor Keys! This sample library offers a powerful 2+1 layer synth engine, allowing you to select and mix traditional electric key sounds with 13 additional synth sublayers for added spice. Plus, you can add a VHS-like WOW modulation effect for even more creative possibilities.
Echoes from Olympus
The Ethos reverb is another exciting addition to Vapor Keys, featuring 24 algorithms designed to transform your sounds into cinematic and ambient masterpieces. Create a lush soundscape or add depth to your tracks. Its versatile algorithms are perfect for various musical genres, from dreamy ambient music to epic soundtracks.
Brain to Another Dimension
Introducing the Dimension MK2, a new DSP effect with 19 algorithms explicitly designed for Vapor Keys! Inspired by classic hardware units such as the Roland Dimension D and Eventide Blackhole, it offers choruses, echoes, phasers, and more to widen, twist, or transform your sounds with an authentic retro or modern flavor.
Smart Randomizer: Happy Accidents
Vapor Keys includes Karanyi Sounds’ Smart Random Controls, enabling you to create new and unique sounds quickly. These controls let you easily generate random variations by adjusting parameters such as pathces, effects and envelopes. Smart Random Controls open up new and unexpected sonic possibilities, making the creative process more enjoyable and inspiring.
Authentic Sounds
Vapor Keys has 29 custom electric piano and wavetable synth patches, featuring iconic instruments like Yamaha DX7 and Arturia MicroFreak. They were recorded with a Neve 1073 Preamp, Roland Dimension D, Studer A800, and Eventide Blackhole/Lexicon 224 effect processors to achieve ultimate, fresh sounds.
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