FL Studio 20 Template | Presets | WAV | MiDi | 555MB
如果您正在寻找马丁·加里克斯(Martin Garrix)风格的声音和鼓,请不要去其他地方,此产品包适合您!该样本包的设计考虑了制作唯一音轨的所有必要条件。
Sylenth 1-100个预设(25个低音,20个和弦,32个引线,14个插针,4个打击垫,5个次低音)
血清-65个预设(20个低音,15个和弦,20个引线,5个插塞) ,2个打击垫3个低音提琴)
Martin Garrix风格的采样:
145个Martin Garrix风格的鼓采样
30个Martin Garrix样式填充(10个长填充,10个短填充和10个杂项填充)
95 FX样本(环境,Downlifters,Uplifters,Impacts,Misc FX,Risers)
Xfer需要使用血清1.237,Sylenth 1 2.21或更高版本。
需要FL Studio v12.5.1或更高版本才能打开项目文件。
If you are looking for Sounds and Drums in the style of Martin Garrix, dont go anywhere else, this pack is for you! This sample pack has been designed considering all the requisites for making a unique track.
Comes with a bunch of high quality presets and samples, just add this pack into your library, drag and drop the samples and sounds and you’re good to make your next house banger!This Sample Pack contains-
Martin Garrix Style Presets
Sylenth 1 – 100 Presets (25 Bass,20 Chords,32 Leads,14 Plucks, 4 Pads, 5 Sub Bass)
Serum – 65 Presets (20 Bass, 15 Chords, 20 Leads,5 Plucks, 2 Pads 3 Sub Bass)
Martin Garrix Style Samples:
145 Martin Garrix Style Drum Samples
30 Martin Garrix Style Fills (10 Long Fills, 10 Short Fills & 10 Misc Fills)
95 FX Samples (Ambience,Downlifters,Uplifters,Impacts,Misc FX,Risers)
7 Project Files
All the sounds and samples are 100% Royalty-Free
Xfer Serum 1.237, Sylenth 1 2.21 or higher is required to use the presets.
FL Studio v12.5.1 or higher is required to open the project files.
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