5Pin Media Cristoph- Progressive and Techno [Ableton Live Template 工程文件] WAV MiDi Presets 预制音色

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    Ableton Live Template | Presets | WAV | MiDi | 1.09GB

    24Bit Quality
    1.6 Gb (unzipped)

    94 Drum Loops
    91 Music Loops
    52 Bass Loops
    218 Rex2 Loops
    (Apple, WAV and REX2 formats)

    76 Drum Kit
    77 Drum & Percussion
    22 Bass
    25 Tone
    10 FX

    300 Multi-Samples
    10 Bass
    11 Music
    8 Drum Kits
    Battery 3, NNXT, Kontakt 3, Live Sampler, Halion, EXS24 and SFZ Sample formats included

    56 Drum (For use with the 8 Drum Kits)
    46 Bass
    95 Music

    LIVE 9 10
    1 Live9 Project
    3 Live Sets
    8 Drum Racks
    10 Bass Instruments (with Macros)
    11 Music Instruments (with Macros)
    ACID WAV, Apple Loops and REX2 formats included

    5Pin Media骄傲地欢迎PROGRESSIVE&TECHNO回到CRISTOPH,这是他自2015年屡获殊荣以来第二次发布5PinMedia。2016年之后

    ,Cristoph取得了重大突破,加入了Hot自82年代白热的《膝盖深在声音》的烙印以来,首位艺术家推出了该品牌梦s以求的“ 8首曲目”专辑系列。这张概念专辑使克里斯托弗(Cristoph)成为国际关注的焦点,诸如《孤独》(Alone)和《更近》(Closer)之类的歌唱声在世界各地的舞池中rap绕。

    2017年,克里斯托弗的事业全面发展,签下了约翰·迪格威德(John Digweed)传奇的基岩和萨莎(Sasha)的《地球上的最后一夜》。克里斯托弗凭借在两个烙印上的出色表现,巩固了他多年来在进步世界中最激动人心的表演之一的地位。不久之后,他就引起了长期英雄埃里克·普里兹(Eric Prydz)的注意。克里斯托弗(Cristoph)将继续在EPIC 5.0上为瑞典传奇开张,甚至成为普赖兹(Prydz)首次就职伊维萨(Hi Ibiza)驻地的经常性活动。

    现在,克里斯托夫已正式加入Pryda家族,成为第一位签约Prydz全新烙印Pryda Presents的艺术家。这是现场最著名的味觉制造者之一的明确认可,也是克里斯托弗(Cristoph)事业蓬勃发展的必然标志。

    Cristoph-ProgressiveTechno毫无例外地通过1.6 Gb的循环,一次拍摄,多重采样,音色和MIDI,将才华横溢的DJ /制作人的声音带到您的指尖。

    在“循环”部分中,您会发现91个音乐循环(包括Arps,Pad弦乐合成器),52个Bass循环,94个Drum循环,13个Vox循环和7个FX循环,这些均以高品质24bit录制,可在Acidized WAV,Apple和REX2中使用。格式跨越125 BPM和127 BPM。为进一步增加价值,总共143个循环被安排到21个套件中,将,低音和音乐声部凝聚在一起,从而获得最大的灵感。所有的Bass和Music循环均带有音乐琴键信息。

    在“一键式”部分中,您将找到77个鼓和打击乐器,22个低音音色,76个鼓组音色,25个合成音,10 FX和300个多重采样。所有的Bass和Music One-Shots都有音乐键。

    在“ MIDI”部分,您会发现197个MIDI文件,分别分布在46个低音,95个音乐和56个鼓凹槽中。所有MIDI文件都清楚地标有音乐声部和键信息,以便快速轻松地选择以与随附的音色和鼓组或任何第三方MIDI兼容声源一起使用。

    在基于样本的乐器部分,您将找到10个低音,11个音乐和8个鼓组样本采样器,适用于电池3,NNXT,Kontakt 3,Live 9采样器,Halion,EXS24和SFZ格式。

    包括一个Live 9 Pack,其中包括21个采样器乐器,这些乐器设计有声音整形宏,8个鼓架和4个效果架。


    5Pin Media proudly welcomes back CRISTOPH with PROGRESSIVE & TECHNO, his second release for 5Pin Media since his award winning debut in 2015.

    Soon after in 2016, Cristoph achieved his big breakthrough joining Hot Since 82’s white-hot Knee Deep in Sound imprint, becoming the inaugural artist to launch the label’s coveted ‘8-track’ album series. The concept album thrust Cristoph into the international spotlight, with anthemic vocal tracks like “Alone” and “Closer” enrapturing dancefloors around the world.

    In 2017, Cristoph’s career came full circle, signing to both John Digweed’s legendary Bedrock and Sasha’s Last Night on Earth. With standout releases on both imprints, Cristoph cemented his status as one of the most exciting acts in the progressive world in years. It wasn’t long until he caught the attention of longtime hero, Eric Prydz. Cristoph would go on to open for the Swedish legend at EPIC 5.0, even becoming a recurring staple at Prydz’s inaugural Hi Ibiza residency.

    Now, Cristoph has officially joined the Pryda family, becoming the first artist to sign to Prydz’s brand new imprint, Pryda Presents. It’s a definitive nod of approval from one of the scene’s most celebrated tastemakers, and a surefire mark of Cristoph’s blossoming career.

    Without exception Cristoph – Progressive & Techno brings the sound of the talented DJ/Producer himself to your fingertips with 1.6 Gb of Loops, One Shots, Multisamples, Patches and MIDI.

    In the loops section you will find 91 Music loops (includings Arps, Pads, Strings, Synths), 52 Bass loops, 94 Drum loops, 13 Vox loops and 7 FX loops all recorded in high quality 24bit available in Acidized WAV, Apple and REX2 formats across 125 BPM and 127 BPMs. Adding further value, a total of 143 of the loops have been arranged into 21 kits, cohesively bringing together Drums, Bass and Music parts for maximum inspiration. All of the Bass and Music loops are clearly labelled with musical key information.

    In the one-shots section you will find 77 Drum and Percussion, 22 Bass Tones, 76 Drum Kit Hits, 25 Synth Tones, 10 FX and 300 Multisamples. All Bass and Music One-Shots are musically keyed.

    In the MIDI section you will find 197 MIDI files split across 46 Bass, 95 Music and 56 Drum Grooves. All of the MIDI files are clearly labelled with musical part and key information for quick and easy selection to use with the included Patches and Drum Kits, or any third party MIDI compatible sound source.

    In the sample based instrument section you will find 10 Bass, 11 Music and 8 Drum Kit Sample Patches for Battery 3, NNXT, Kontakt 3, Live 9 Sampler, Halion, EXS24 and SFZ formats.

    A Live 9 Pack is included comprising 21 Sampler Instruments designed with sound shaping macros, 8 Drum Racks and 4 Effects Racks.

    All content is 100% royalty free. Please download the free-taster to experience the Cristoph magic.


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